.. _dev_notes: Developer Notes =============== Everyone is welcome to contribute to SQuADDS. Please see review the following section for more information or contact us! Contribution Items ------------------ | **Bug Reports** - Please report any bugs you find in the code or documentation by opening an issue on GitHub. | **Feature Requests** - If you have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue on GitHub. | **Pull Requests** - We welcome pull requests from the community. If you submit a pull request, please be patient as we review your work. If you have any questions about contributing, please contact us! | **Documentation** - We welcome contributions to the documentation. If you find any typos or errors, please open an issue on GitHub. | **Implementation of Next Release** - If you would like to help in implementing the next version of SQuADDS, please look at what is being worked on for the `next release `_ Please see our `Contributing Guidelines `_ for more information on how to get started. .. note:: If at any point you are convinced that something is wrong but the documentation/code says otherwise, you may **absolutely be right**. Please open an issue on GitHub and we will address it as soon as possible. Developers ---------- | `Sadman Ahmed Shanto `_ (University of Southern California) - Project Lead 🤖 | `Andre Kuo `_ (University of Southern California) | `Elizabeth Kunz `_ (University of Southern California) | `Adhish Chakravorty `_ (University of Southern California) | `Evangelos Vlachos `_ (University of Southern California) Contributors ------------ | **Eli Levenson-Falk, PhD** (University of Southern California) - Eternal Guidance Provider (Principle Investigator) 🙏🏽 | **Clark Miyamoto** (New York University) - Code contributor 💻 | **Madison Howard** (California Institute of Technology) - Bug Hunter 🐛 | **Malida Hecht** (University of Southern California) - Data contributor 📀 | **Anne Whelan** (US Navy) - Documentation contributor 📄 | **Jenny Huang** (Columbia University) - Documentation contributor 📄 | **Connie Miao** (Stanford University) - Data Contributor 📀 | **Daria Kowsari, PhD** (University of Southern California) - Data contributor 📀 | **Vivek Maurya** (University of Southern California) - Data contributor 📀 | **Haimeng Zhang, PhD** (IBM) - Data contributor 📀 | **Ethan Zheng** (University of Southern California) - Data contributor 📀 and Bug Hunter 🐛 | **Sara Sussman, PhD** (Fermilab) - Bug Hunter 🐛