Welcome to SQuADDS’s documentation!#


SQuADDS: a Superconducting Qubit And Device Design and Simulation database#

SQuADDS is an open-source platform aimed at speeding up the design loop in the creation of superconducting quantum hardware. This tool bridges the gap between theoretical design and practical implementation, providing researchers and engineers with a well-characterized starting point for the development of device. SQuADDS enables rapid generation of “best-guess” and validated “pre-simulated” designs, underpinned by a vast repository of experimentally validated design and simulation parameters. SQuADDS aims to lowers the barrier to entry for research groups seeking to make a new class of devices by providing them a well-characterized starting point from which to refine their designs.


Hi there! If you use SQuADDS in your research, please support its continued development and maintenance by citing our work. Thank you!

  doi = {10.22331/q-2024-09-09-1465},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.22331/q-2024-09-09-1465},
  title = {{SQ}u{ADDS}: {A} validated design database and simulation workflow for superconducting qubit design},
  author = {Shanto, Sadman and Kuo, Andre and Miyamoto, Clark and Zhang, Haimeng and Maurya, Vivek and Vlachos, Evangelos and Hecht, Malida and Shum, Chung Wa and Levenson-Falk, Eli},
  journal = {{Quantum}},
  issn = {2521-327X},
  publisher = {{Verein zur F{\"{o}}rderung des Open Access Publizierens in den Quantenwissenschaften}},
  volume = {8},
  pages = {1465},
  month = sep,
  year = {2024}

Indices and tables#