Source code for squadds.core.processing

from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs] def unify_columns(df): # Find all columns with _x and _y suffixes x_columns = [col for col in df.columns if col.endswith('_x')] y_columns = [col for col in df.columns if col.endswith('_y')] # Create a mapping of columns without suffixes to pairs of _x and _y columns columns_to_unify = {col[:-2]: (col, col[:-2] + '_y') for col in x_columns if col[:-2] + '_y' in y_columns} print("Columns identified for unification:") print(columns_to_unify) for col, (x_col, y_col) in columns_to_unify.items(): print(f"Processing columns: {x_col} and {y_col}") if df[x_col].equals(df[y_col]): # If the columns are the same, keep only one and rename it to remove the suffix df[col] = df[x_col] print(f"Columns {x_col} and {y_col} are identical. Keeping {col} and dropping both suffixes.") else: # If the columns are different, keep both df[col + '_x'] = df[x_col] df[col + '_y'] = df[y_col] print(f"Columns {x_col} and {y_col} differ. Keeping both.") # Drop the original _x and _y columns df.drop([x_col, y_col], axis=1, inplace=True) print(f"Dropped columns: {x_col} and {y_col}") print("Final columns after unification:") print(df.columns) return df
[docs] def merge_dfs(qubit_df_split, cavity_df, merger_terms): return pd.merge(qubit_df_split, cavity_df, on=merger_terms, how="inner", suffixes=('_qubit', '_cavity_claw'))
[docs] def update_ncap_parameters(cavity_df, ncap_df, merger_terms, ncap_sim_cols): """ Updates the kappa and frequency of the cavity based on the results of the CapNInterdigitalTee simulations. """ for term in merger_terms: cavity_df[f'temp_{term}'] = cavity_df['design_options'].map(lambda x: x['cplr_opts'].get(term)) ncap_df[f'temp_{term}'] = ncap_df['design_options'].map(lambda x: x.get(term)) # Add index columns to cavity_df and ncap_df cavity_df = cavity_df.reset_index().rename(columns={'index': 'index_cc'}) ncap_df = ncap_df.reset_index().rename(columns={'index': 'index_cplr'}) # Perform the merge on the specific common terms merged_df = pd.merge(cavity_df, ncap_df, left_on=[f'temp_{term}' for term in merger_terms], right_on=[f'temp_{term}' for term in merger_terms], suffixes=('_cavity_claw', '_ncap')) # Update the cavity resonator frequency and kappa cavity_frequency_updated, kappa = update_cavity_frequency_and_kappa(merged_df) merged_df.loc[:, "cavity_frequency"] = cavity_frequency_updated merged_df.loc[:, "kappa"] = kappa # Update the cavity_df with the ncap parameters def update_cpw_cplr_opts(row): ncap_opts = row["design_options_ncap"] cpw_cplr_opts = row["design_options_cavity_claw"]["cplr_opts"] common_terms = set(ncap_opts.keys()) & set(cpw_cplr_opts.keys()) updated_cplr_opts = cpw_cplr_opts.copy() # Make a copy to update for term in common_terms: updated_cplr_opts[term] = ncap_opts[term] return updated_cplr_opts merged_df["design_options_cavity_claw"] = merged_df.apply( lambda row: {**row["design_options_cavity_claw"], "cplr_opts": update_cpw_cplr_opts(row)}, axis=1) # Remove the temporary columns merged_df = merged_df.drop(columns=[f'temp_{term}' for term in merger_terms]) # Remove all the columns with "_ncap" suffix except 'index_cplr' columns_to_drop = [col for col in merged_df.columns if col.endswith("_ncap") and col != 'index_cplr'] merged_df = merged_df.drop(columns=columns_to_drop) # Remove all the columns with ncap_sim_cols merged_df = merged_df.drop(columns=ncap_sim_cols) # Rename the columns with "_cavity_claw" suffix to remove the suffix merged_df = merged_df.rename(columns={col: col.replace("_cavity_claw", "") for col in merged_df.columns}) return merged_df
[docs] def update_cavity_frequency_and_kappa(merged_df, Z0=50): """ Updates the cavity frequency and kappa based on the given merged_df DataFrame. Parameters: - merged_df: DataFrame containing the necessary simulation results. - Z0: Characteristic impedance of the system (default: 50 Ohms). Returns: - cavity_frequency_updated: Updated cavity frequency in Hz. - kappa: Updated kappa in Hz. """ # Constants pi = np.pi # Extract the necessary simulation results from merged_df omega_rough = merged_df['cavity_frequency'] * 2 * pi # Convert from Hz to rad/s C_tg = merged_df['top_to_ground'] # fF C_tb = merged_df['top_to_bottom'] # fF # Calculate the resonator capacitance C_res from the rough resonant frequency omega_rough C_res = (pi / (2 * omega_rough * Z0) ) * 1e15 # fF # Compute the new resonant frequency estimate omega_est omega_est = np.sqrt(C_res / (C_res + C_tg + C_tb)) * omega_rough # Calculate kappa (assuming the units for the frequencies are consistent) kappa = 0.5 * Z0 * (omega_est**2) * (C_tb**2 / (C_res + C_tg + C_tb)) * 1e-15 # Hz # Convert omega_est from rad/s back to Hz for cavity_frequency cavity_frequency_updated = omega_est / (2 * pi) # Return the updated cavity frequency and kappa return cavity_frequency_updated, kappa / (2 * pi)