Source code for squadds.core.utils

import getpass
import os
import platform
import re
import shutil
import urllib.parse
import webbrowser

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from huggingface_hub import HfApi, HfFolder
from tabulate import tabulate

from squadds.core.globals import ENV_FILE_PATH

[docs] def view_contributors_from_rst(rst_file_path): """ Extract and print relevant contributor information from the index.rst file. Args: rst_file_path (str): The path to the `index.rst` file. Returns: None """ contributors_data = [] with open(rst_file_path, 'r') as file: content = # Find the Contributors section contributors_match ='Contributors\s+-{3,}\s+(.*?)(\n\n|$)', content, re.S) if contributors_match: contributors_section = # Extract individual contributor entries contributor_entries = contributors_section.split("\n| ") for entry in contributor_entries: if entry.strip(): # Extract name, institution, and contribution match = re.match(r'\*\*(.*?)\*\* \((.*?)\) - (.*)', entry.strip()) if match: name = institution = contribution = contributors_data.append([name, institution, contribution]) if contributors_data: headers = ["Name", "Institution", "Contribution"] print(tabulate(contributors_data, headers=headers, tablefmt="grid")) else: print("No contributors found in the RST file.")
[docs] def save_intermediate_df(df, filename, file_idx): """ Save the intermediate DataFrame to disk in Parquet format. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame to save. filename (str): The base name of the file to save the DataFrame to. file_idx (int): The index of the file chunk. """ df.to_parquet(f"{filename}_{file_idx}.parquet", index=False)
[docs] def set_github_token(): """ Sets the GitHub token by appending it to the .env file. If the token already exists in the .env file, it does not add it again. If the GitHub token is not found, it raises a ValueError. """ # Check if token already exists if os.path.exists(ENV_FILE_PATH): with open(ENV_FILE_PATH, 'r') as file: existing_keys = if 'GITHUB_TOKEN=' in existing_keys: print('Token already exists in .env file.') return # Ask for the new token token = getpass.getpass("Enter your GitHub PAT token (with at least repo scope): ") # Append the new token to the .env file with open(ENV_FILE_PATH, 'a') as file: file.write(f'\nGITHUB_TOKEN={token}\n') print('Token added to .env file.')
[docs] def get_type(value): if isinstance(value, dict): return 'dict' elif isinstance(value, list): return 'list' if not value else get_type(value[0]) else: return type(value).__name__.lower()
# Recursive function to validate types
[docs] def validate_types(data_part, schema_part): """ Recursively validates the types of data_part against the expected types defined in schema_part. Args: data_part (dict): The data to be validated. schema_part (dict): The schema defining the expected types. Raises: TypeError: If the type of any key in data_part does not match the expected type in schema_part. Returns: None """ for key, expected_type in schema_part.items(): if isinstance(expected_type, dict): validate_types(data_part[key], expected_type) else: actual_type = get_type(data_part[key]) if actual_type != expected_type: raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for {key}. Expected {expected_type}, got {actual_type}.")
[docs] def get_config_schema(entry): """ Generates the schema for the given entry with specific rules. The 'sim_results' are fully expanded, while others are expanded to the first level. """ def get_type(value): # Return the type as a string representation if isinstance(value, dict): return 'dict' elif isinstance(value, list): # Check the type of the first item if the list is not empty return 'list' if not value else get_type(value[0]) else: return type(value).__name__.lower() schema = {} for key, value in entry.items(): if key == 'sim_results': # Fully expand 'sim_results' schema[key] = {k: get_type(v) for k, v in value.items()} elif key in ['sim_options', 'design', 'notes'] and isinstance(value, dict): # Expand to the first level for 'sim_options', 'design', and 'notes' schema[key] = {k: get_type(v) for k, v in value.items()} else: schema[key] = get_type(value) return schema
[docs] def get_schema(obj): """ Returns the schema of the given object. Args: obj: The object for which the schema needs to be determined. Returns: The schema of the object. If the object is a dictionary, the schema will be a dictionary with the same keys as the original dictionary, where the values represent the schema of the corresponding values in the original dictionary. If the object is a list, the schema will be either 'dict' if the list contains dictionaries, or the type name of the first element in the list. For any other type of object, the schema will be the type name of the object. """ if isinstance(obj, dict): return {k: 'dict' if isinstance(v, dict) else get_schema(v) for k, v in obj.items() if k != 'contributor'} elif isinstance(obj, list): # If the list contains dictionaries, just return 'dict', else get the type of the first element return 'dict' if any(isinstance(elem, dict) for elem in obj) else type(obj[0]).__name__ else: return type(obj).__name__
[docs] def is_float(value): try: float(value) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs] def compare_schemas(data_schema, expected_schema, path=''): """ Compare two schemas and raise an error if there are any mismatches. Args: data_schema (dict): The data schema to compare. expected_schema (dict): The expected schema to compare against. path (str, optional): The current path in the schema. Used for error messages. Defaults to ''. Raises: ValueError: If there is a key in the data schema that is not present in the expected schema. ValueError: If there is a type mismatch between the data schema and the expected schema. """ for key, data_type in data_schema.items(): # Check if the key exists in the expected schema if key not in expected_schema: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected key '{path}{key}' found in data schema.") expected_type = expected_schema[key] # Compare types for nested dictionaries if isinstance(expected_type, dict): if not isinstance(data_type, dict): raise ValueError(f"Type mismatch for '{path}{key}'. Expected a dict, Got: {get_type(data_type)}") compare_schemas(data_type, expected_type, path + key + '.') else: # Compare types for simple fields if get_type(data_type) != expected_type: #! TODO: fix this:: if float is expected but got str then ignore if expected_type == 'float' and get_type(data_type) == "str": continue else: raise ValueError(f"Type mismatch for '{path}{key}'. Expected: {expected_type}, Got: {get_type(data_type)}")
[docs] def convert_to_numeric(value): """ Converts a value to a numeric type if possible. Args: value: The value to be converted. Returns: The converted value if it can be converted to int or float, otherwise returns the original value. """ if isinstance(value, str): if value.isdigit(): return int(value) elif is_float(value): return float(value) return value
[docs] def convert_to_str(value:float, units: str): """ Converts the given value to a string with the given units. Args: value (float): The value to be converted. units (str): The units to be appended to the value. Returns: str: The value as a string with the units. """ return f"{value} {units}"
[docs] def convert_list_to_str(lst): """ Converts the given list of floats to a string representation. Args: lst (list): The list of floats to be converted. Returns: str: The string representation of the list. """ return [convert_to_str(item) for item in lst]
[docs] def get_entire_schema(obj): """ Recursively traverses the given object and returns a schema representation. Args: obj: The object to generate the schema for. Returns: The schema representation of the object. """ if isinstance(obj, dict): return {k: get_entire_schema(v) for k, v in obj.items() if k != 'contributor'} elif isinstance(obj, list): return [get_entire_schema(o) for o in obj][0] if obj else [] else: return type(obj).__name__
[docs] def delete_HF_cache(): """ Deletes the cache directory for the specific dataset. """ # Determine the root cache directory for 'datasets' # Default cache directory is '~/.cache/huggingface/datasets' on Unix systems # and 'C:\\Users\\<username>\\.cache\\huggingface\\datasets' on Windows cache_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cache", "huggingface", "datasets") # Adjust the path for Windows if necessary if platform.system() == "Windows": cache_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "AppData", "Local", "huggingface", "datasets") # Define the specific dataset cache directory name dataset_cache_dir_name = "SQuADDS___s_qu_adds_db" # Path for the specific dataset cache dataset_cache_dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, dataset_cache_dir_name) # Check if the cache directory exists if os.path.exists(dataset_cache_dir): try: # Delete the dataset cache directory shutil.rmtree(dataset_cache_dir) except OSError as e: print(f"Error occurred while deleting cache: {e}") else: pass
[docs] def get_sim_results_keys(dataframes): """ Get the unique keys from the 'sim_results' column of the given dataframes. Args: dataframes (list or pandas.DataFrame): A list of dataframes or a single dataframe. Returns: list: A list of unique keys extracted from the 'sim_results' column. """ # Initialize an empty list to store all keys all_keys = [] # Ensure the input is a list, even if it's a single dataframe if not isinstance(dataframes, list): dataframes = [dataframes] # Iterate over each dataframe for df in dataframes: # Check if 'sim_results' column exists in the dataframe if 'sim_results' in df.columns: # Extract keys from each row's 'sim_results' and add them to the list for row in df['sim_results']: if isinstance(row, dict): # Ensure the row is a dictionary all_keys.extend(row.keys()) # Remove duplicates from the list unique_keys = list(set(all_keys)) return unique_keys
[docs] def convert_numpy(obj): """ Converts NumPy arrays to Python lists recursively. Args: obj: The object to be converted. Returns: The converted object. """ if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() elif isinstance(obj, dict): return {k: convert_numpy(v) for k, v in obj.items()} elif isinstance(obj, list): return [convert_numpy(v) for v in obj] return obj
# Function to create a unified design_options dictionary
[docs] def create_unified_design_options(row): # TODO: no hardcoding """ Create a unified design options dictionary based on the given row. Args: row (pandas.Series): The row containing the design options. Returns: dict: The unified design options dictionary. """ cavity_dict = convert_numpy(row["design_options_cavity_claw"]) coupler_type = row["coupler_type"] qubit_dict = convert_numpy(row["design_options_qubit"]) # setting the `claw_cpw_*` params to zero qubit_dict['connection_pads']['readout']['claw_cpw_width'] = "0um" qubit_dict['connection_pads']['readout']['claw_cpw_length'] = "0um" cavity_dict['claw_opts']['connection_pads']['readout']['claw_cpw_width'] = "0um" cavity_dict['claw_opts']['connection_pads']['readout']['claw_cpw_length'] = "0um" # replacing the ground spacing of the cavity by that of the qubit cavity_dict["claw_opts"]['connection_pads']["readout"]["ground_spacing"] = qubit_dict['connection_pads']['readout']['ground_spacing'] # setting the `claw_cpw_*` params to zero qubit_dict['connection_pads']['readout']['claw_cpw_width'] = "0um" qubit_dict['connection_pads']['readout']['claw_cpw_length'] = "0um" cavity_dict['claw_opts']['connection_pads']['readout']['claw_cpw_width'] = "0um" cavity_dict['claw_opts']['connection_pads']['readout']['claw_cpw_length'] = "0um" # replacing the ground spacing of the cavity by that of the qubit cavity_dict["claw_opts"]['connection_pads']["readout"]["ground_spacing"] = qubit_dict['connection_pads']['readout']['ground_spacing'] device_dict = { "cavity_claw_options": { "coupler_type": coupler_type, "coupler_options": cavity_dict.get("cplr_opts", {}), "cpw_opts": { "left_options": cavity_dict.get("cpw_opts", {}) } }, "qubit_options": qubit_dict } return device_dict
[docs] def flatten_df_second_level(df): """ Flattens a DataFrame by expanding dictionary-like data in the second level of columns. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): The DataFrame to be flattened. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A new DataFrame with the flattened data. """ # Initialize an empty dictionary to collect flattened data flattened_data = {} # Iterate over each column in the DataFrame for column in df.columns: # Check if the column contains dictionary-like data if isinstance(df[column].iloc[0], dict): # Iterate over second-level keys and create new columns for key in df[column].iloc[0].keys(): flattened_data[f"{key}"] = df[column].apply(lambda x: x[key] if key in x else None) else: # For non-dictionary data, keep as is flattened_data[column] = df[column] # Create a new DataFrame with the flattened data new_df = pd.DataFrame(flattened_data) return new_df
[docs] def filter_df_by_conditions(df, conditions): """ Filter a DataFrame based on given conditions. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): The DataFrame to be filtered. conditions (dict): A dictionary containing column-value pairs as conditions. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: The filtered DataFrame. Raises: None """ # Ensure conditions is a dictionary if not isinstance(conditions, dict): print("Conditions must be provided as a dictionary.") return None # Start with the original DataFrame filtered_df = df # Apply each condition for column, value in conditions.items(): if column in filtered_df.columns: filtered_df = filtered_df[filtered_df[column] == value] # Check if the filtered DataFrame is empty if filtered_df.empty: print("Warning: No rows match the given conditions. Returning the original DataFrame.") return df else: return filtered_df
[docs] def set_huggingface_api_key(): """ Sets the Hugging Face API key by appending it to the .env file. If the API key already exists in the .env file, it does not add it again. If the Hugging Face token is not found, it raises a ValueError. """ # Check if API key already exists if os.path.exists(ENV_FILE_PATH): with open(ENV_FILE_PATH, 'r') as file: existing_keys = if 'HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY=' in existing_keys: print('API key already exists in .env file.') return # Ask for the new API key api_key = getpass.getpass("Enter your Hugging Face API key: ") # Append the new API key to the .env file with open(ENV_FILE_PATH, 'a') as file: file.write(f'\nHUGGINGFACE_API_KEY={api_key}\n') print('API key added to .env file.') api = HfApi() token = HfFolder.get_token() if token is None: raise ValueError("Hugging Face token not found. Please log in using `huggingface-cli login`.")
[docs] def send_email_via_client(dataset_name, institute, pi_name, date, dataset_link): """ Sends an email notification to recipients with the details of the created dataset. Args: dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset. institute (str): The name of the institute where the dataset was created. pi_name (str): The name of the principal investigator who created the dataset. date (str): The date when the dataset was created. dataset_link (str): The link to the created dataset. Returns: None """ recipients = ["", ""] subject = f"SQuADDS: Dataset Created - {dataset_name} ({date})" body = f"{dataset_name} has been created by {pi_name} at {institute} on {date}.\nHere is the link - {dataset_link}" mailto_link = create_mailto_link(recipients, subject, body)
[docs] def compute_memory_usage(df): """ Compute the memory usage of the given DataFrame. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): The DataFrame to compute the memory usage for. Returns: float: The memory usage of the DataFrame in megabytes. """ mem = df.memory_usage(deep=True).sum() / 1024 ** 2 print(f"Memory usage: {mem} MB") return mem
def print_column_types(df): """ Prints out the columns in the DataFrame that have floats, integers, objects, datetimes, and strings. Parameters: - df: DataFrame to analyze. """ float_cols = df.select_dtypes(include=['float']).columns.tolist() int_cols = df.select_dtypes(include=['int']).columns.tolist() object_cols = df.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns.tolist() datetime_cols = df.select_dtypes(include=['datetime']).columns.tolist() string_cols = df.select_dtypes(include=['string']).columns.tolist() print("Columns with float types:", float_cols) print("Columns with int types:", int_cols) print("Columns with object types:", object_cols) print("Columns with datetime types:", datetime_cols) print("Columns with string types:", string_cols)
[docs] def can_be_categorical(column): """ Check if all elements in the column are hashable. """ try: hashable = all(isinstance(item, (str, int, float, tuple)) or item is None for item in column) if hashable: pd.Categorical(column) return True else: return False except TypeError: return False
[docs] def optimize_dataframe(df): """ Optimize the memory usage of a pandas DataFrame by downcasting data types. Parameters: - df (pandas.DataFrame): The DataFrame to be optimized. Returns: - df_optimized (pandas.DataFrame): The optimized DataFrame. """ df_optimized = df.copy() # Calculate initial memory usage initial_memory_usage = df_optimized.memory_usage(deep=True).sum() / (1024**2) # Memory usage before optimization memory_before_floats = df_optimized.memory_usage(deep=True).sum() / (1024**2) # Optimize float columns for col in df_optimized.select_dtypes(include=['float']): df_optimized[col] = df_optimized[col].astype('float32') # Memory usage after optimizing floats memory_after_floats = df_optimized.memory_usage(deep=True).sum() / (1024**2) # Optimize integer columns for col in df_optimized.select_dtypes(include=['int']): df_optimized[col] = pd.to_numeric(df_optimized[col], downcast='unsigned') # Memory usage after optimizing integers memory_after_ints = df_optimized.memory_usage(deep=True).sum() / (1024**2) # Memory usage before optimizing object columns memory_before_objects = df_optimized.memory_usage(deep=True).sum() / (1024**2) # Optimize object columns for col in df_optimized.select_dtypes(include=['object']): if can_be_categorical(df_optimized[col]): df_optimized[col] = df_optimized[col].astype('category') # Memory usage after optimizing object columns memory_after_objects = df_optimized.memory_usage(deep=True).sum() / (1024**2) # Calculate memory savings and percentages float_savings = memory_before_floats - memory_after_floats int_savings = memory_after_floats - memory_after_ints object_savings = memory_before_objects - memory_after_objects total_memory_usage = df_optimized.memory_usage(deep=True).sum() / (1024**2) total_savings = initial_memory_usage - total_memory_usage percentage_saved = (total_savings / initial_memory_usage) * 100 float_savings_percentage = (float_savings / initial_memory_usage) * 100 int_savings_percentage = (int_savings / initial_memory_usage) * 100 object_savings_percentage = (object_savings / initial_memory_usage) * 100 print(f"Initial memory usage: {initial_memory_usage:.2f} MB") print(f"Memory usage after optimizing floats: {memory_after_floats:.2f} MB") print(f"Memory usage after optimizing integers: {memory_after_ints:.2f} MB") print(f"Memory usage after optimizing objects: {memory_after_objects:.2f} MB") print(f"Total memory usage after optimization: {total_memory_usage:.2f} MB") print(f"Memory saved by float optimization: {float_savings:.2f} MB ({float_savings_percentage:.2f}%)") print(f"Memory saved by integer optimization: {int_savings:.2f} MB ({int_savings_percentage:.2f}%)") print(f"Memory saved by object optimization: {object_savings:.2f} MB ({object_savings_percentage:.2f}%)") print(f"Total memory saved: {total_savings:.2f} MB") print(f"Memory efficiency: {percentage_saved:.2f}%") return df_optimized
[docs] def process_design_options(merged_df): """ Processes the 'design_options' column in merged_df, appends new columns, converts values, and drops 'design_options'. Parameters: - merged_df: DataFrame containing the 'design_options' column. Returns: - merged_df: Modified DataFrame with new columns added and 'design_options' dropped. """ def convert_value(value): if value is None: return value if isinstance(value, str) and value.endswith("um"): return np.float16(value[:-2]) return np.int16(value) design_options = merged_df["design_options"] merged_df["finger_count"] = design_options.apply(lambda x: convert_value(x["cavity_claw_options"]["coupler_options"]["finger_count"])) merged_df["finger_length"] = design_options.apply(lambda x: convert_value(x["cavity_claw_options"]["coupler_options"]["finger_length"])) merged_df["cap_gap"] = design_options.apply(lambda x: convert_value(x["cavity_claw_options"]["coupler_options"]["cap_gap"])) merged_df["cap_width"] = design_options.apply(lambda x: convert_value(x["cavity_claw_options"]["coupler_options"]["cap_width"])) merged_df["total_length"] = design_options.apply(lambda x: convert_value(x["cavity_claw_options"]["cpw_opts"]["left_options"]["total_length"])) merged_df["meander_spacing"] = design_options.apply(lambda x: convert_value(x["cavity_claw_options"]["cpw_opts"]["left_options"]["meander"]["spacing"])) merged_df["meander_asymmetry"] = design_options.apply(lambda x: convert_value(x["cavity_claw_options"]["cpw_opts"]["left_options"]["meander"]["asymmetry"])) merged_df["claw_length"] = design_options.apply(lambda x: convert_value(x["qubit_options"]["connection_pads"]["readout"]["claw_length"])) merged_df["claw_width"] = design_options.apply(lambda x: convert_value(x["qubit_options"]["connection_pads"]["readout"]["claw_width"])) merged_df["ground_spacing"] = design_options.apply(lambda x: convert_value(x["qubit_options"]["connection_pads"]["readout"]["ground_spacing"])) merged_df["cross_length"] = design_options.apply(lambda x: convert_value(x["qubit_options"]["cross_length"])) # Drop the 'design_options' column merged_df.drop(columns=["design_options"], inplace=True) return merged_df
[docs] def delete_object_columns(df): """ Deletes all columns of type 'object' from the DataFrame. Parameters: - df: DataFrame to process. Returns: - df: DataFrame with 'object' columns removed. """ # Select columns that are of type 'object' object_columns = df.select_dtypes(include=['object']).columns # Drop the selected columns df = df.drop(columns=object_columns) return df
[docs] def columns_memory_usage(df): """ Calculates the memory usage of each column and returns a DataFrame showing each column's memory usage and percentage of total memory usage. Parameters: - df: DataFrame to process. Returns: - mem_usage_df: DataFrame with columns 'Column', 'Memory Usage (MB)', and 'Percentage of Total Memory Usage'. """ # Calculate the memory usage for each column mem_usage = df.memory_usage(deep=True) / (1024 ** 2) # Convert to MB # Calculate total memory usage total_mem_usage = mem_usage.sum() # Create a DataFrame with memory usage and percentage of total memory usage mem_usage_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Column': mem_usage.index, 'Memory Usage (MB)': mem_usage.values, 'Percentage of Total Memory Usage': (mem_usage.values / total_mem_usage) * 100 }) # Sort the DataFrame by memory usage in descending order mem_usage_df = mem_usage_df.sort_values(by='Memory Usage (MB)', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) return mem_usage_df
# drop all categorical columns
[docs] def delete_categorical_columns(df): """ Deletes all columns of type 'category' from the DataFrame. Parameters: - df: DataFrame to process. Returns: - df: DataFrame with 'category' columns removed. """ # Select columns that are of type 'category' category_columns = df.select_dtypes(include=['category']).columns # Drop the selected columns df = df.drop(columns=category_columns) return df