Source code for squadds.database.contributor

import glob
import json
import os
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime

from datasets import get_dataset_config_names, load_dataset
from dotenv import load_dotenv

from squadds.core.globals import *
from squadds.core.utils import (compare_schemas, delete_HF_cache,
                                get_config_schema, get_entire_schema, get_type,
                                is_float, validate_types)

* Inputs the config/system data
* required schema generated based on the config/system data

[docs] class ExistingConfigData: """ Represents an existing configuration data object. Attributes: config (str): The name of the configuration. sim_results (dict): A dictionary containing simulation results. design (dict): A dictionary containing design options and the design tool. sim_options (dict): A dictionary containing simulation setup options. units (set): A set containing the units used in the simulation results. notes (dict): A dictionary containing additional notes. ref_entry (dict): A dictionary containing the reference entry. contributor (dict): A dictionary containing contributor information. entry (dict): A dictionary containing the contribution data. local_repo_path (str): The local repository path. sweep_data (list): A list containing sweep data. Methods: _validate_config_name(): Validates the configuration name. get_config_schema(): Retrieves the schema for the given configuration name. show_config_schema(): Prints the schema for the given configuration name. _supported_config_names(): Retrieves the supported configuration names. show(): Prints the contribution data. __set_contributor_info(): Sets the contributor information. get_contributor_info(): Retrieves the contributor information. add_sim_result(result_name, result_value, unit): Adds a simulation result. add_sim_setup(sim_setup): Adds simulation setup options to the contribution. add_design(design): Adds a design to the contribution. add_design_v0(design): Adds a design to the contribution (version 0). to_dict(): Converts the contribution data to a dictionary. clear(): Clears the contribution data. add_notes(notes): Adds notes to the contribution. validate_structure(actual_structure): Validates the structure of the contributor object. _validate_structure(): Validates the structure of the contributor object. validate_types(data): Validates the types of the data. _validate_types(): Validates the types of the data. _validate_content_v0(): Validates the content of the contribution against the dataset schema. """ def __init__(self, config=""): self.__repo_name = "SQuADDS/SQuADDS_DB" self.config = config self._validate_config_name() load_dotenv(ENV_FILE_PATH) self.sim_results = {} = {"design_tool": "", "design_options": {}} self.sim_options = {"setup": {}, "simulator": ""} self.units = set() self.notes = {} self.ref_entry = {} self.__set_contributor_info() self.entry = self.to_dict() self.__isValidated = False self.local_repo_path = "" self.sweep_data = []
[docs] def _validate_config_name(self): """ Validates the config name against the supported config names. Raises: ValueError: If the config name is invalid. """ configs = self._supported_config_names() if self.config not in configs: raise ValueError(f"Invalid config name: {self.config}. Supported config names: {configs}")
[docs] def get_config_schema(self): """ Connects to the repository with the given configuration name. Chooses the first entry from the config dataset and extracts the schema. Returns: A dictionary containing the schema for the given configuration name. """ # get the first entry config_dataset = load_dataset(self.__repo_name, self.config) entry = config_dataset['train'][0] self.ref_entry = entry schema = get_config_schema(entry) return schema # Return the schema as a dictionary
[docs] def show_config_schema(self): """ Connects to the repository with the given configuration name. Chooses the first entry from the config dataset and extracts the schema. Returns: None """ # get the first entry config_dataset = load_dataset(self.__repo_name, self.config) entry = config_dataset['train'][0] schema = get_config_schema(entry) print(json.dumps(schema, indent=2))
[docs] def _supported_config_names(self): """ Retrieves the supported configuration names from the repository. Returns: A list of supported configuration names. """ delete_HF_cache() configs = get_dataset_config_names(self.__repo_name, download_mode='force_redownload') return configs
# method that returns the contribution data in a dictionary format
[docs] def show(self): """ Print the contribution data in a pretty format. Args: None Returns: None """ # pretty print the contribution data print(json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=4))
def __set_contributor_info(self): self.contributor = { "group": os.getenv('GROUP_NAME'), "PI": os.getenv('PI_NAME'), "institution": os.getenv('INSTITUTION'), "uploader": os.getenv('USER_NAME'), "misc": os.getenv('CONTRIB_MISC'), "date_created":"%Y-%m-%d %H%M%S") }
[docs] def get_contributor_info(self): """ Returns the contributor information. Returns: str: The contributor information. """ return self.contributor
[docs] def add_sim_result(self, result_name, result_value, unit): """ Add a simulation result to the contributor. Args: result_name (str): The name of the simulation result. result_value (float): The value of the simulation result. unit (str): The unit of measurement for the simulation result. Returns: None """ self.units.add(unit) # Add unit to the set self.sim_results[result_name] = result_value self.sim_results[f"{result_name}_unit"] = unit # Keep the individual unit keys for now
[docs] def add_sim_setup(self, sim_setup): """ Adds simulation setup options to the contribution. Args: sim_setup (dict): A dictionary containing simulation setup options that match the configs schema. """ # Retrieve the schema for simulation options schema = self.get_config_schema() # Validate the provided simulation setup options against the schema sim_setup_schema = schema.get('sim_options', {}) if not isinstance(sim_setup, dict): raise ValueError('Simulation setup options must be provided as a dictionary.') # Check if all keys are present and have correct types for key, expected_type in sim_setup_schema.items(): if key not in sim_setup: raise ValueError(f'Missing required simulation setup option: {key}') if get_type(sim_setup[key]) != expected_type: raise TypeError(f'Incorrect type for {key}. Expected {expected_type}, got {get_type(sim_setup[key])}.') # All checks passed, add the simulation setup options self.sim_options.update(sim_setup)
[docs] def add_design(self, design): """ Adds a design to the contribution. Args: design (dict): A dictionary containing design options and the design tool. """ # Retrieve the schema for design schema = self.get_config_schema() # Validate the provided design against the schema if not isinstance(design, dict): raise ValueError('Design must be provided as a dictionary.') design_options = design.get('design_options', {}) design_tool = design.get('design_tool') # Validate design options and design tool design_options_schema = schema.get('design', {}).get('design_options', {}) if get_type(design_options) != design_options_schema: raise TypeError(f"Incorrect type for design options. Expected {design_options_schema}, got {get_type(design_options)}.") if design_tool and get_type(design_tool) != 'str': raise TypeError(f"Incorrect type for design tool. Expected 'str', got {get_type(design_tool)}.") # All checks passed, add the design options and tool
[docs] def add_design_v0(self, design): """ Adds a design to the contribution. Args: design (dict): A dictionary containing design options and the design tool. """ # Retrieve the schema for design schema = self.get_config_schema() # Validate the provided design against the schema if not isinstance(design, dict): raise ValueError('Design must be provided as a dictionary.') # Extract design options and design tool from the input dictionary design_options = design.get('design_options') design_tool = design.get('design_tool') # Validate design options and design tool design_options_schema = schema.get('design', {}).get('design_options', {}) if get_type(design_options) != design_options_schema: raise TypeError(f"Incorrect type for design options. Expected {design_options_schema}, got {get_type(design_options)}.") if get_type(design_tool) != 'str': raise TypeError(f"Incorrect type for design tool. Expected 'str', got {get_type(design_tool)}.") # All checks passed, add the design options and tool
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Converts the Contributor object to a dictionary. Returns: dict: A dictionary representation of the Contributor object. """ # Check if all units are the same if len(self.units) == 1: common_unit = self.units.pop() # Get the common unit self.sim_results['units'] = common_unit # Remove individual unit keys for result_name in list(self.sim_results.keys()): if '_unit' in result_name: del self.sim_results[result_name] return { "design":, "sim_options": self.sim_options, "sim_results": self.sim_results, "contributor": self.contributor, "notes": self.notes }
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clears the contribution data. """ self.sim_results = {} = {"design_tool": "", "design_options": {}} self.sim_options = {"setup": {}, "simulator": ""} self.units = set() self.notes = {} self.__isValidated = False
[docs] def add_notes(self, notes={}): """ Adds notes to the contribution. Args: notes (dict): A dictionary containing notes. """ if not isinstance(notes, dict): raise ValueError('Notes must be provided as a dictionary.') # Merge new notes with existing ones self.notes.update(notes)
[docs] def validate_structure(self, actual_structure): """ Validates the structure of the contributor object. Args: actual_structure (dict): The actual structure of the contributor object. Raises: ValueError: If any required key or sub-key is missing in the actual structure. """ expected_structure = self.get_config_schema() # Compare the structure of actual data with the expected schema for key, value in expected_structure.items(): if key not in actual_structure: raise ValueError(f"Missing required key: {key}") if isinstance(value, dict): for sub_key in value: if sub_key not in actual_structure[key]: raise ValueError(f"Missing required sub-key '{sub_key}' in '{key}'") print("Structure validated successfully....")
[docs] def _validate_structure(self): """ Validates the structure of the contributor object. Raises: ValueError: If any required key or sub-key is missing in the actual structure. """ expected_structure = self.get_config_schema() actual_structure = self.to_dict() # Compare the structure of actual data with the expected schema for key, value in expected_structure.items(): if key not in actual_structure: raise ValueError(f"Missing required key: {key}") if isinstance(value, dict): for sub_key in value: if sub_key not in actual_structure[key]: raise ValueError(f"Missing required sub-key '{sub_key}' in '{key}'") print("Structure validated successfully....")
[docs] def validate_types(self, data): """ Args: data (dict): The data to be validated. Validates the types of the data using the schema defined in the config. """ schema = self.get_config_schema() validate_types(data, schema) print("Types validated successfully....")
[docs] def _validate_types(self): """ Validates the types of the data using the schema defined in the config. """ schema = self.get_config_schema() data = self.to_dict() validate_types(data, schema) print("Types validated successfully....")
[docs] def _validate_content_v0(self): """ Validates the content of the contribution against the dataset schema. """ data = self.to_dict() ref = self.ref_entry # print data and ref nicely json # print(f"Data: {json.dumps(data, indent=2)}") # print(f"Ref: {json.dumps(ref, indent=2)}") # Validate 'sim_options.setup' and 'design.design_options' for key in ['design', 'sim_options']: sub_key = 'setup' if key == 'sim_options' else 'design_options' data_schema = get_entire_schema(data[key][sub_key]) expected_schema = get_entire_schema(ref[key][sub_key]) print(f"Key: {key}, Sub-key: {sub_key}") print(f"Data schema: {json.dumps(data_schema, indent=2)}") print(f"Expected schema: {json.dumps(expected_schema, indent=2)}") if data_schema != expected_schema: raise ValueError(f"Structure mismatch in '{key}.{sub_key}'. Expected: {expected_schema}, Got: {data_schema}")
[docs] def validate_content(self, data): """ Args: data (dict): The data to be validated. Validates the content of the contribution against the dataset schema. """ ref = self.ref_entry def get_nested(dictionary, keys): for key in keys.split('.'): if dictionary is not None and key in dictionary: dictionary = dictionary[key] else: return None return dictionary
def _validate_content(self): """ Validates the content of the contribution against the dataset schema. """ data = self.to_dict() ref = self.ref_entry def get_nested(dictionary, keys): for key in keys.split('.'): if dictionary is not None and key in dictionary: dictionary = dictionary[key] else: return None return dictionary def find_common_keys(dict1, dict2, path=""): """ Recursively find and compare common keys in two dictionaries. """ common_keys = set(dict1.keys()) & set(dict2.keys()) diff_keys = (set(dict1.keys()) - set(dict2.keys())) | (set(dict2.keys()) - set(dict1.keys())) for key in common_keys: new_path = f"{path}.{key}" if path else key if isinstance(dict1[key], dict) and isinstance(dict2[key], dict): yield from find_common_keys(dict1[key], dict2[key], new_path) else: if type(dict1[key]) != type(dict2[key]): yield new_path, False else: yield new_path, True for key in diff_keys: new_path = f"{path}.{key}" if path else key yield new_path, None result = list(find_common_keys(data, ref)) common_keys = [key for key, match in result if match is not None] mismatched_keys = [key for key, match in result if match is False] missing_keys = [key for key, match in result if match is None] if mismatched_keys: print("\nMismatched keys found. These keys are present in both dictionaries but have values of different types:\n") for key in mismatched_keys: print(f"Key: {key}, data type in 'data': {type(get_nested(data, key))}, data type in 'ref': {type(get_nested(ref, key))}") if missing_keys: print("\nMissing keys found. These keys are present in one dictionary but not the other:\n") for key in missing_keys: if get_nested(data, key) is not None: print(f"Key: {key} is missing in 'ref'") else: print(f"Key: {key} is missing in 'data'") # return common_keys, mismatched_keys, missing_keys def _validate_content_v1(self): """ Validates the content of the contribution against the dataset schema. """ data = self.to_dict() ref = self.ref_entry for key in ['design', 'sim_options']: sub_key = 'setup' if key == 'sim_options' else 'design_options' data_schema = get_entire_schema(data[key][sub_key]) expected_schema = get_entire_schema(ref[key][sub_key]) print(f"Key: {key}, Sub-key: {sub_key}") # print(f"Data schema: {json.dumps(data_schema, indent=2)}") # print(f"Expected schema: {json.dumps(expected_schema, indent=2)}") compare_schemas(data_schema, expected_schema, f"{key}.{sub_key}.") print("Content validation passed.")
[docs] def validate(self): """ Validates the contribution by performing various checks. Raises: Exception: If any validation check fails. """ # Perform all validation checks # if no errors then set isValidated to True if not self.is_validated: try: self._validate_structure() self._validate_types() self._validate_content() self.__isValidated = True except Exception as e: print("Validation failed.") raise e else: print("This contribution has already been validated.")
[docs] def validate_sweep(self): """ Validates the sweep data by performing structure, type, and content validation on each entry. Raises: Exception: If the validation fails. Returns: None """ if not self.is_validated: try: for entry in self.sweep_data: print(f"Validating entry {self.sweep_data.index(entry)+1} of {len(self.sweep_data)}...") self.validate_structure(entry) self.validate_types(entry) self.validate_content(entry) print(f"Entry {self.sweep_data.index(entry)+1} of {len(self.sweep_data)} validated successfully.") print("--------------------------------------------------") self.__isValidated = True except Exception as e: print("Validation failed.") raise e else: print("This contribution has already been validated.")
@property def invalidate(self): """ Invalidates the contributor by setting the isValidated flag to False. """ self.__isValidated = False
[docs] def update_repo(self, path_to_repo): """ Updates the repository at the specified path. Args: path_to_repo (str): The path to the repository. Raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the git commands fail. """ original_cwd = os.getcwd() try: # Check if data is validated if not self.is_validated: raise ValueError("Data must be validated before updating the repository.") # Create the path to the repo if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(path_to_repo): os.makedirs(path_to_repo) # Check if the repo exists by looking for .git file in the path_to_repo + "SQuADDS_DB" directory if os.path.exists(path_to_repo+"/"+self.__repo_name.split('/')[-1]): # Pull the latest changes os.chdir(path_to_repo+"/"+self.__repo_name.split('/')[-1])["git", "pull"], check=True) else: print(f"Cloning dataset repository from to {path_to_repo}...") os.chdir(path_to_repo) dataset_endpoint = f"{self.__repo_name}" # Clone the repo #["git", "clone", dataset_endpoint], check=True)["git", "-c", "core.sshCommand=ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "clone", dataset_endpoint], check=True) # Create a new branch and checkout to it # uploader_name = self.contributor['uploader'].replace(" ", "") # uid = self.contributor['date_created'].replace(" ", "") # branch_name = f"add_{self.config}_{uploader_name}_{uid}" #["git", "checkout", "-b", branch_name], check=True) finally: # Revert to the original current working directory os.chdir(original_cwd)
[docs] def update_db(self, path_to_repo, is_sweep=False): """ Updates the local repository with the validated data. Args: path_to_repo (str): The path to the local repository. Raises: ValueError: If the data has not been validated. """ if not is_sweep: if not self.is_validated: raise ValueError("Data must be validated before updating the repository.") # update the local repo os.chdir(path_to_repo+"/"+self.__repo_name.split('/')[-1]) dataset_file = f"{self.config}.json" with open(dataset_file, "r+") as file: data = json.load(file) data.append(self.to_dict()) json.dump(data, file, indent=4) print(f"Data added to {dataset_file} successfully.") else: if not self.is_validated: raise ValueError("Data must be validated before updating the repository.") # update the local repo os.chdir(path_to_repo+"/"+self.__repo_name.split('/')[-1]) dataset_file = f"{self.config}.json" with open(dataset_file, "r+") as file: data = json.load(file) for entry in self.sweep_data: data.append(entry) json.dump(data, file, indent=4) print(f"Data added to {dataset_file} successfully.")
[docs] def upload_to_HF(self, path_to_repo): """ Uploads validated data to the specified repository. Args: path_to_repo (str): The path to the repository. Raises: ValueError: If the data has not been validated. subprocess.CalledProcessError: If the git commands fail. Returns: None """ if not self.is_validated: raise ValueError("Data must be validated before updating the repository.") # navigate to the repo os.chdir(path_to_repo+"/"+self.__repo_name.split('/')[-1]) # create a commit message based on the contributor info commit_message = f"Add {self.config} data from {self.contributor['group']} group by {self.contributor['uploader']} on {self.contributor['date_created']}" uploader_name = self.contributor['uploader'].replace(" ", "") uid = self.contributor['date_created'].replace(" ", "") branch_name = f"add_{self.config}_{uploader_name}_{uid}" try: # Commit and push changes["git", "add", f"{self.config}.json"], check=True)["git", "commit", "-m", commit_message], check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Failed to commit changes to {self.config}.json") raise e try: # create upstream branch os.environ['GITHUB_TOKEN'] = os.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN')["git", "push", "--set-upstream", "origin", branch_name], check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Failed to create upstream branch for {self.config}.json") raise e try: # Push changes - ensure you have the necessary permissions and authentication set up["git", "push"], check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(f"Failed to push changes to {self.config}.json") raise e
[docs] def from_json(self, json_file, is_sweep=False): """ Loads a contribution from a JSON file. Args: json_file (str): The path to the JSON file. is_sweep (bool): True if the contribution is a sweep, False otherwise. """ if not is_sweep: file_path = os.path.abspath(json_file) if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise ValueError(f"File not found: {file_path}") with open(file_path, "r") as file: data = json.load(file) = data['design'] self.sim_options = data['sim_options'] self.sim_results = data['sim_results'] self.__set_contributor_info() try: self.notes = data['notes'] except KeyError: pass print("Contribution loaded successfully.") else: json_files = glob.glob(os.path.abspath(json_file+"*.json")) if not json_files: raise ValueError(f"Files not found: {json_files}") for file in json_files: entry = {} with open(file, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) entry["design"] = data['design'] entry["sim_options"] = data['sim_options'] entry["sim_results"] = data['sim_results'] entry["contributor"] = self.get_contributor_info() try: entry["notes"] = data['notes'] except KeyError: entry["notes"] = {} self.sweep_data.append(entry) print("Sweep data loaded successfully.")
@property def is_validated(self): """ Returns True if the contribution is validated, False otherwise. Returns: bool: True if the contribution is validated, False otherwise. """ return self.__isValidated
[docs] def contribute(self, path_to_repo, is_sweep=False): """ Contributes to the repository by updating the local repo, updating the database, and uploading to HF. Args: path_to_repo (str): The path to the repository. is_sweep (bool): True if the contribution is a sweep, False otherwise. Returns: None """ if not self.is_validated: raise ValueError("Data must be validated before contributing.") self.update_repo(path_to_repo) self.update_db(path_to_repo, is_sweep) # self.upload_to_HF(path_to_repo) print("Contribution ready for PR")
[docs] def submit(self): """ Sends the data and the config name to a remote server. """ raise NotImplementedError("This method is not implemented yet.")