Source code for squadds.database.contributor_HF

import os
import hashlib
import json

from datetime import datetime
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from squadds.core.utils import *
from squadds.database.checker import Checker
from huggingface_hub import HfApi, HfFolder, login


[docs] class Contribute: """ Class representing a contributor for dataset creation and upload. Attributes: dataset_files (list): List of dataset file paths. institute (str): Institution name. pi_name (str): PI (Principal Investigator) name. api (HfApi): Hugging Face API object. token (str): Hugging Face API token. dataset_name (str): Name of the dataset. dataset_files (list): List of dataset file paths. dataset_link (str): Link to the dataset. Methods: check_for_api_key: Checks for the presence of Hugging Face API key. create_dataset_name: Creates a unique name for the dataset. get_dataset_link: Retrieves the link to the dataset. upload_dataset: Uploads the dataset to Hugging Face. create_dataset_repository: Creates a repository for the dataset on Hugging Face. upload_dataset_no_validation: Uploads the dataset to Hugging Face without validation. """ def __init__(self, data_files): self.dataset_files = data_files = os.getenv('INSTITUTION') self.pi_name = os.getenv('PI_NAME') self.api, self.token = self.check_for_api_key() self.dataset_name = None self.dataset_files = None self.dataset_link = None
[docs] def check_for_api_key(self): """ Checks for the presence of Hugging Face API key. Returns: api (HfApi): Hugging Face API object. token (str): Hugging Face API token. Raises: ValueError: If Hugging Face token is not found. """ api = HfApi() token = HfFolder.get_token() if token is None: raise ValueError("Hugging Face token not found. Please log in using `huggingface-cli login`.") else: token = os.getenv('HUGGINGFACE_API_KEY') login(token) return api, token
[docs] def create_dataset_name(self, components, data_type, data_nature, data_source, date=None): """ Creates a unique name for the dataset. Args: components (list): List of components. data_type (str): Type of the data. data_nature (str): Nature of the data. data_source (str): Source of the data. date (str, optional): Date of the dataset creation. Defaults to None. Returns: str: Unique name for the dataset. """ components_joined = "-".join(components) date = date or'%Y%m%d') base_string = f"{components_joined}_{data_type}_{data_nature}_{data_source}_{}_{self.pi_name}_{date}" uid_hash = hashlib.sha256(base_string.encode()).hexdigest()[:8] # Short hash self.dataset_name = f"{base_string}_{uid_hash}" return f"{base_string}_{uid_hash}"
[docs] def upload_dataset(self): """ Uploads the dataset to Hugging Face. Raises: NotImplementedError: If dataset upload is not implemented. """ checker = Checker() for file in self.dataset_files: checker.check(file) if not checker.upload_ready: raise NotImplementedError() else: # Upload the dataset to Hugging Face raise NotImplementedError() # generate the link to the dataset # Send notification email after successful upload send_email_via_client("Example Dataset", "Institute Name", "PI Name", "2023-01-01") return
[docs] def create_dataset_repository(self, components, data_type, data_nature, data_source): """ Creates a repository for the dataset on HuggingFace (if it doesn't exist). Args: components (list): List of components. data_type (str): Type of the data. data_nature (str): Nature of the data. data_source (str): Source of the data. """ date ='%Y%m%d') dataset_name = self.create_dataset_name(components, data_type, data_nature, data_source, date) # Create a repository for the dataset on HuggingFace (if it doesn't exist) try: self.api.create_repo(repo_id=dataset_name, token=self.token, repo_type="dataset") print(f"Dataset repository {dataset_name} created.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error creating dataset repository: {e}")
[docs] def upload_dataset_no_validation(self, components, data_type, data_nature, data_source, files, date=None): """ Uploads the dataset to HuggingFace without validation. Args: components (list): List of components. data_type (str): Type of the data. data_nature (str): Nature of the data. data_source (str): Source of the data. files (list): List of file paths. date (str, optional): Date of the dataset creation. Defaults to None. """ dataset_name = self.create_dataset_name(components, data_type, data_nature, data_source, date) # Create a repository for the dataset on HuggingFace (if it doesn't exist) try: self.api.create_repo(repo_id=dataset_name, token=self.token, repo_type="dataset") print(f"Dataset repository {dataset_name} created.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error creating dataset repository: {e}") # Upload files to the dataset for file_path in files: try: self.api.upload_file( path_or_fileobj=file_path, path_in_repo=os.path.basename(file_path), repo_id=dataset_name, repo_type="dataset", token=self.token ) print(f"Uploaded {file_path} to {dataset_name}.") except Exception as e: print(f"Error uploading file {file_path}: {e}")