Source code for squadds.gds.processing

import gdspy
import klayout.db as kdb
import numpy as np

[docs] def merge_shapes_in_layer(gds_file, output_gds_file, layer_number): """ Selects all shapes in the given layer number from the input GDS file, merges them together, and saves the result in the output GDS file. Args: gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file. output_gds_file (str): Path to the output GDS file. layer_number (int): The layer number whose shapes should be merged. Returns: None """ # Load the GDS file layout = kdb.Layout() # Find the index of the specified layer with datatype 0 (common in GDS files) layer_index = layout.layer(layer_number, 0) # Iterate over each cell in the layout for cell in layout.each_cell(): # Get the shapes in the specified layer shapes = cell.shapes(layer_index) # If there are shapes, merge them together using boolean union if not shapes.is_empty(): print(f"Merging shapes in layer {layer_number} in cell: {}") # Create a region for the shapes on this layer region = kdb.Region(shapes) # Perform the boolean union to merge shapes merged_shapes = region.merged() # Clear the original shapes shapes.clear() # Insert the merged shapes back into the layer shapes.insert(merged_shapes) # Save the modified layout to the output GDS file layout.write(output_gds_file) print(f"Merged shapes in layer {layer_number} and saved to {output_gds_file}")
[docs] def crop_top_left_rectangle(gds_file, width=300, height=100, layer_number=5, datatype=0): """ Removes a 300 x 100 um rectangle from the top left of the layer_number/datatype rectangle in the GDS file. Args: gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file. width (int, optional): Width of the rectangle to remove in micrometers. Defaults to 300. height (int, optional): Height of the rectangle to remove in micrometers. Defaults to 100. layer_number (int, optional): The layer number of the rectangle to crop. Defaults to 5. datatype (int, optional): The datatype of the rectangle to crop. Defaults to 0. Returns: None """ # Load the GDS file layout = kdb.Layout() # Iterate over each cell in the layout for cell in layout.each_cell(): # Get the shapes in the 5/0 layer layer_index_5_0 = layout.layer(layer_number, datatype) shapes_5_0 = cell.shapes(layer_index_5_0) # Create a region from the 5/0 layer shapes region_5_0 = kdb.Region(shapes_5_0) # Get the bounding box of the 5/0 layer shapes bbox_5_0 = region_5_0.bbox() # Calculate the coordinates for the 300 x 100 um rectangle top_left_x = bbox_5_0.left top_left_y = rect_width = width / layout.dbu # Convert um to database units rect_height = height / layout.dbu # Convert um to database units # Create the 300 x 100 um rectangle rect_top_left = kdb.Box(top_left_x, top_left_y - rect_height, top_left_x + rect_width, top_left_y) # Remove the 300 x 100 um rectangle from the 5/0 layer cropped_shapes = region_5_0 - kdb.Region(rect_top_left) # Clear the original 5/0 layer shapes cell.shapes(layer_index_5_0).clear() # Insert the cropped shapes into the 5/0 layer cell.shapes(layer_index_5_0).insert(cropped_shapes) # Write the modified layout to the GDS file layout.write(gds_file) print(f"{width} x {height} um rectangle removed from the top left of the {layer_number}/{datatype} rectangle successfully.") print(f"Output file: {gds_file}")
[docs] def apply_fixes(gds_file, datatype=0): """ Applies the required fixes to the GDS file. Args: gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file. datatype (int, optional): The new datatype value for all layers. Defaults to 0. Returns: None """ # Call the method to crop a 300 x 100 um rectangle on the top left of the 5/0 rectangle # crop_top_left_rectangle(gds_file) # Call the method to add a 703 layer datatype 0 rectangle covering the 5/0 layer add_703_layer(gds_file) # Call the method to modify the GDS file datatypes modify_gds_datatypes(gds_file, datatype) # Call the method to delete layers with non-zero datatypes delete_non_zero_datatype_layers(gds_file.replace('.gds', '_final.gds')) # Merge all metal layers merge_shapes_in_layer(gds_file.replace('.gds', '_final.gds'), gds_file.replace('.gds', '_final.gds'), 5)
[docs] def modify_gds_datatypes(gds_file, datatype=0): """ Modifies the datatype of all layers in a GDS file. Args: gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file. datatype (int, optional): The new datatype value for all layers. Defaults to 0. Returns: None """ # Load the GDS file layout = kdb.Layout() # Dictionary to store the merged layers merged_layers = {} # Iterate over each cell in the layout for cell in layout.each_cell(): # Dictionary to store the layer numbers and their corresponding shapes layer_shapes = {} # Iterate over each layer in the layout for layer_index in layout.layer_indices(): # Get the layer number and datatype layer_info = layout.get_info(layer_index) layer_number = layer_info.layer layer_datatype = layer_info.datatype # Retrieve the shapes in the current layer for the cell shapes = cell.shapes(layer_index) # Add the shapes to the layer_shapes dictionary if layer_number not in layer_shapes: layer_shapes[layer_number] = shapes else: layer_shapes[layer_number].insert(shapes) # Merge layers with the same layer number using boolean union for layer_number, shapes in layer_shapes.items(): if layer_number not in merged_layers: # Create a new layer with the modified datatype merged_layer = layout.layer(layer_number, datatype) merged_layers[layer_number] = merged_layer else: # Use the existing merged layer merged_layer = merged_layers[layer_number] # Perform boolean union on the shapes merged_shapes = kdb.Region(shapes) cell.shapes(merged_layer).insert(merged_shapes) # Delete the redundant layers for layer_index in layout.layer_indices(): layer_info = layout.get_info(layer_index) if layer_info.layer not in merged_layers: cell.clear(layer_index) # Write the modified layout to the GDS file file_name = gds_file.replace('.gds', '_final.gds') layout.write(file_name) print("Merged all redundant layers successfully.") print(f"Output file: {file_name}")
# delete_non_zero_datatype_layers(file_name)
[docs] def delete_non_zero_datatype_layers(gds_file): """ Deletes all layers with datatypes not equal to 0 from the GDS file. Args: gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file. Returns: None """ # Load the GDS file layout = kdb.Layout() # Iterate over each cell in the layout for cell in layout.each_cell(): # Iterate over each layer in the layout for layer_index in layout.layer_indices(): # Get the layer datatype layer_info = layout.get_info(layer_index) layer_datatype = layer_info.datatype # If the layer datatype is not 0, delete the layer if layer_datatype != 0: cell.clear(layer_index) # Write the modified layout to the GDS file layout.write(gds_file) print("Layers with non-zero datatypes deleted successfully.") print(f"Output file: {gds_file}")
# Call the method to add a 703 layer datatype 0 rectangle covering the 5/0 layer # add_703_layer(gds_file.replace('_modified.gds', '_final.gds'))
[docs] def add_703_layer(gds_file): """ Adds a 703 layer datatype 0 rectangle covering the 5/0 layer in the GDS file. Args: gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file. Returns: None """ # Load the GDS file layout = kdb.Layout() # Iterate over each cell in the layout for cell in layout.each_cell(): # Get the shapes in the 5/0 layer layer_index_5_0 = layout.layer(5, 0) shapes_5_0 = cell.shapes(layer_index_5_0) # Create a region from the 5/0 layer shapes region_5_0 = kdb.Region(shapes_5_0) # Create a bounding box covering the 5/0 layer shapes bbox_5_0 = region_5_0.bbox() # Create a 703 layer with datatype 0 layer_index_703_0 = layout.layer(703, 0) # Add a rectangle covering the 5/0 layer to the 703/0 layer rect_703_0 = kdb.Box(bbox_5_0) cell.shapes(layer_index_703_0).insert(rect_703_0) # Write the modified layout to the GDS file layout.write(gds_file) print("703 layer datatype 0 rectangle added successfully.") print(f"Output file: {gds_file}")
[docs] def get_all_layer_numbers(gds_file): """ Retrieves all unique layer numbers present in the GDS file. Args: gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file. Returns: list: A list of tuples, where each tuple contains (layer_number, datatype). """ # Load the GDS file layout = kdb.Layout() # Create a set to store unique (layer, datatype) pairs layers = set() # Iterate over all layers in the layout for layer_index in layout.layer_indices(): layer_info = layout.get_info(layer_index) layers.add((layer_info.layer, layer_info.datatype)) # Convert the set to a sorted list sorted_layers = sorted(layers) return sorted_layers
[docs] def add_squares_to_layer(input_gds, output_gds, selected_layer, selected_datatype, square_size=5, spacing=10, keepout=5): """ Adds squares to a specific layer in a GDS file. Parameters: input_gds (str): The path to the input GDS file. output_gds (str): The path to the output GDS file. selected_layer (int): The layer number to add squares to. selected_datatype (int): The datatype number to add squares to. square_size (int, optional): The size of the squares to be added. Defaults to 5. spacing (int, optional): The spacing between squares. Defaults to 10. keepout (int, optional): The keepout area around the existing shapes. Defaults to 5. """ # Read the GDS file gdsii = gdspy.GdsLibrary(infile=input_gds) # Create a new GDS file for the output gdsii_new = gdspy.GdsLibrary() # Adjust spacing spacing = spacing*2 # Copy all cells from the input GDS to the output GDS for cell_name, cell in gdsii.cells.items(): gdsii_new.add(cell) # Select the layer and datatype layer_to_process = (selected_layer, selected_datatype) # Get the shapes in the selected layer polygons = cell.get_polygons(by_spec=True) if layer_to_process in polygons: # Create a new layer and datatype for the squares new_layer = selected_layer new_datatype = selected_datatype + 2 # Calculate the bounding box of the existing shapes shapes = polygons[layer_to_process] for shape in shapes: shape = shape.tolist() # Ensure shape is a list of tuples min_x = min(shape, key=lambda p: p[0])[0] + keepout max_x = max(shape, key=lambda p: p[0])[0] - keepout min_y = min(shape, key=lambda p: p[1])[1] + keepout max_y = max(shape, key=lambda p: p[1])[1] - keepout # Add squares within the geometry boundaries with keepout spacing x = min_x while x <= max_x: y = min_y while y <= max_y: square = gdspy.Rectangle( (x, y), (x + square_size, y + square_size), layer=new_layer, datatype=new_datatype ) # Check if the square points and the keepout area are within the existing polygon square_points = [(x, y), (x + square_size, y), (x + square_size, y + square_size), (x, y + square_size)] keepout_points = [ (x - keepout, y - keepout), (x + square_size + keepout, y - keepout), (x + square_size + keepout, y + square_size + keepout), (x - keepout, y + square_size + keepout) ] if np.all(gdspy.inside(square_points, [shape])) and np.all(gdspy.inside(keepout_points, [shape])): cell.add(square) y += spacing x += spacing # Write the new GDS file gdsii_new.write_gds(output_gds)
[docs] def create_cheesing_effect(input_gds, output_gds, selected_layer, selected_datatype): """ Creates a cheesing effect on a GDS file by subtracting a square layer from an original layer. Parameters: - input_gds (str): The path to the input GDS file. - output_gds (str): The path to save the modified GDS file. - selected_layer (int): The layer number of the original and square layers. - selected_datatype (int): The datatype number of the original and square layers. Returns: None """ # Load the GDS file layout = kdb.Layout() # Get the top cell top_cell = layout.top_cell() # Define the layers original_layer = layout.layer(selected_layer, selected_datatype) square_layer = layout.layer(selected_layer, selected_datatype + 1) # Boolean operation: A not B original_shapes = kdb.Region(top_cell.shapes(original_layer)) square_shapes = kdb.Region(top_cell.shapes(square_layer)) result_shapes = original_shapes - square_shapes # Clear original layer and add result shapes top_cell.shapes(original_layer).clear() top_cell.shapes(original_layer).insert(result_shapes) # Remove the squares layer top_cell.shapes(square_layer).clear() # Write the new GDS file layout.write(output_gds)
[docs] def bias_gds_features(input_gds, output_gds, bias, layer_number, datatype_number=None): """ Biases features on a specific layer in a GDS file by expanding or contracting them by the specified amount using KLayout. Parameters: input_gds (str): The path to the input GDS file. output_gds (str): The path to the output GDS file. bias (float): The amount by which to bias the features (in microns). Positive values expand features, negative values contract them. layer_number (int): The layer number of the features to bias. datatype_number (int, optional): The datatype number of the features to bias. If None, all datatypes on the layer are biased. """ # Load the GDS file using KLayout layout = kdb.Layout() # Convert bias from microns to database units (nanometers) bias_db = bias * 1000 # KLayout uses nanometers as the unit # Get the layer indices for the specified layer and datatype if datatype_number is None: # If datatype_number is None, get all datatypes on the layer layer_indices = [] for layer_info in layout.layer_infos(): if layer_info.layer == layer_number: layer_indices.append(layout.layer(layer_info.layer, layer_info.datatype)) else: # Get the specific layer index layer_indices = [layout.layer(layer_number, datatype_number)] # Iterate through all cells for cell in layout.each_cell(): # Iterate through the specified layers for layer_index in layer_indices: shapes = cell.shapes(layer_index) region = kdb.Region(shapes) if not region.is_empty(): # Perform the bias (grow or shrink) region.size(bias_db) # Clear the original shapes shapes.clear() # Add the biased shapes back shapes.insert(region) # Write the biased GDS file layout.write(output_gds)
[docs] def flatten_to_top_cell(gds_file, output_gds_file=None, prune=True): """ Flattens all hierarchical cells in the input GDS file into the top cell. This function reads the specified GDS file using KLayout's database API, flattens the hierarchical structure (i.e. merges all cell instances into the top-level cell) using the specified prune option, and writes the resulting flattened layout to an output GDS file. If no output file name is provided, the function saves the flattened layout with the suffix '_flattened.gds'. Args: gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file. output_gds_file (str, optional): Path to the output flattened GDS file. Defaults to None, in which case the output filename is derived from gds_file. prune (bool, optional): Whether to prune empty cells during flattening. Defaults to True. Returns: None """ try: # Load the GDS file using KLayout's API. layout = kdb.Layout() # Get the top cell of the layout. top_cell = layout.top_cell() if top_cell is None: raise ValueError("No top cell found in the layout. Cannot flatten without a top cell.") # Flatten the top cell. # Here, 'prune' determines if empty cells should be pruned after flattening. top_cell.flatten(prune) # Determine the output file name if not provided. if output_gds_file is None: if gds_file.lower().endswith('.gds'): output_gds_file = gds_file[:-4] + '_flattened.gds' else: output_gds_file = gds_file + '_flattened.gds' # Write the flattened layout to the output file. layout.write(output_gds_file) print(f"Flattened layout successfully written to {output_gds_file}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error flattening the GDS file '{gds_file}': {e}")
[docs] def invert_layer(gds_file, layer_number, datatype, output_gds_file=None): """ Inverts a specified layer and datatype in a GDS file such that all areas with shapes become holes, and all areas without shapes become filled. Args: gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file. layer_number (int): The layer number to invert. datatype (int): The datatype of the layer to invert. output_gds_file (str, optional): Path to the output GDS file. If None, a default output file name is generated. Returns: None """ try: # Load the GDS file layout = kdb.Layout() # Create a layer index for the specified layer/datatype target_layer = layout.layer(layer_number, datatype) # Iterate over all cells in the layout for cell in layout.each_cell(): # Get all shapes in the target layer as a region region = kdb.Region(cell.shapes(target_layer)) if region.is_empty(): print(f"No shapes found on layer {layer_number}/{datatype} in cell: {}") continue # Get the bounding box of the entire layer bbox = region.bbox() full_box = kdb.Region(kdb.Box(bbox)) # Subtract the existing shapes from the full bounding box inverted_region = full_box - region # Clear the original shapes cell.shapes(target_layer).clear() # Add the inverted region back to the layer cell.shapes(target_layer).insert(inverted_region) # Determine the output file name if not provided if output_gds_file is None: if gds_file.lower().endswith('.gds'): output_gds_file = gds_file[:-4] + '_inverted.gds' else: output_gds_file = gds_file + '_inverted.gds' # Write the modified layout to the output GDS file layout.write(output_gds_file) print(f"Inverted layer {layer_number}/{datatype} successfully.") print(f"Output written to {output_gds_file}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing GDS file '{gds_file}': {e}")
[docs] def add_square_border_to_gds(input_gds_file, output_gds_file, size_um=5000, thickness_um=23, layer_number=1, datatype=0): """ Adds a centered square border to the TOP cell of an existing GDS file. Args: input_gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file. output_gds_file (str): Path to the output GDS file. size_um (float): Size of the outer square in micrometers. Defaults to 5000. thickness_um (float): Thickness of the square border in micrometers. Defaults to 23. layer_number (int): Layer number to assign the square. Defaults to 1. datatype (int): Datatype to assign the square. Defaults to 0. Returns: None """ thickness_um = thickness_um*1e3 size_um = size_um*1e3 try: # Load the input GDS file layout = kdb.Layout() # Get the top cell or create one if it doesn't exist top_cell = layout.top_cell() if top_cell is None: top_cell = layout.create_cell("TOP") # Calculate the bounding box of the existing content in the TOP cell bbox = None for layer_idx in layout.layer_indices(): for shape in top_cell.each_shape(layer_idx): if bbox is None: bbox = shape.bbox() else: bbox = bbox + shape.bbox() # Check if the bounding box is valid if bbox is None or (bbox.width() == 0 and bbox.height() == 0): print("Warning: The TOP cell is empty. Centering the square at (0, 0).") center_x, center_y = 0, 0 else: center_x = (bbox.left + bbox.right) / 2 center_y = (bbox.bottom + / 2 # Define the layer layer_index = layout.layer(layer_number, datatype) # Calculate the coordinates for the outer and inner square half_size = size_um / 2 half_inner_size = half_size - thickness_um # Outer square (full-size), centered outer_square = kdb.Box( center_x - half_size, center_y - half_size, center_x + half_size, center_y + half_size ) # Inner square (cut-out for border thickness), centered inner_square = kdb.Box( center_x - half_inner_size, center_y - half_inner_size, center_x + half_inner_size, center_y + half_inner_size ) # Create regions for the outer and inner squares outer_region = kdb.Region(outer_square) inner_region = kdb.Region(inner_square) # Subtract the inner square from the outer square to create the border border_region = outer_region - inner_region # Insert the border into the top cell on the specified layer top_cell.shapes(layer_index).insert(border_region) # Write the modified layout to the output GDS file layout.write(output_gds_file) print(f"Centered square border added to {input_gds_file} and saved as {output_gds_file}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing GDS file: {e}")
[docs] def create_marker_blocks(input_gds_file, output_gds_file, marker_size_um=8, marker_distance_um=52, border_thickness_um=23, layer_number=1, datatype=0, additional_marker_size_um=5, additional_layer_number=7, additional_datatype=0): """ Creates marker blocks (squares) of a given size at a specified distance from the corners of the border in the TOP cell of an existing GDS file, and an additional set of smaller squares on a different layer/datatype. Args: input_gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file. output_gds_file (str): Path to the output GDS file. marker_size_um (float): Size of the main marker squares in micrometers. Defaults to 8. marker_distance_um (float): Distance from the border corners in micrometers. Defaults to 52. border_thickness_um (float): Thickness of the border in micrometers. Defaults to 23. layer_number (int): Layer number to assign the main marker blocks. Defaults to 1. datatype (int): Datatype to assign the main marker blocks. Defaults to 0. additional_marker_size_um (float): Size of the additional marker squares in micrometers. Defaults to 5. additional_layer_number (int): Layer number for the additional marker squares. Defaults to 7. additional_datatype (int): Datatype for the additional marker squares. Defaults to 0. Returns: None """ try: # Load the input GDS file layout = kdb.Layout() # Get the top cell top_cell = layout.top_cell() if top_cell is None: raise ValueError("The input GDS file does not have a TOP cell.") # Calculate the bounding box of the existing content in the TOP cell bbox = None for layer_idx in layout.layer_indices(): for shape in top_cell.each_shape(layer_idx): if bbox is None: bbox = shape.bbox() else: bbox = bbox + shape.bbox() # Check if the bounding box is valid if bbox is None or (bbox.width() == 0 and bbox.height() == 0): raise ValueError("The TOP cell is empty. Cannot create marker blocks.") # Convert marker size and distance to database units (nanometers) dbu = layout.dbu marker_distance_um += border_thickness_um marker_size = marker_size_um / dbu marker_distance = marker_distance_um / dbu additional_marker_size = additional_marker_size_um / dbu # Define the layers layer_index_main = layout.layer(layer_number, datatype) layer_index_additional = layout.layer(additional_layer_number, additional_datatype) # Calculate the coordinates of the marker blocks half_marker_size = marker_size / 2 half_additional_marker_size = additional_marker_size / 2 # Adjust placement to ensure the marker is exactly `marker_distance_um` from the border edges marker_positions = [ (bbox.left + marker_distance + half_marker_size, - marker_distance - half_marker_size), # Top-left (bbox.right - marker_distance - half_marker_size, - marker_distance - half_marker_size), # Top-right (bbox.left + marker_distance + half_marker_size, bbox.bottom + marker_distance + half_marker_size), # Bottom-left (bbox.right - marker_distance - half_marker_size, bbox.bottom + marker_distance + half_marker_size), # Bottom-right ] # Create and insert the main marker blocks for x, y in marker_positions: # Main marker block main_marker_square = kdb.Box( x - half_marker_size, y - half_marker_size, x + half_marker_size, y + half_marker_size ) top_cell.shapes(layer_index_main).insert(main_marker_square) # Additional smaller marker block at the same position additional_marker_square = kdb.Box( x - half_additional_marker_size, y - half_additional_marker_size, x + half_additional_marker_size, y + half_additional_marker_size ) top_cell.shapes(layer_index_additional).insert(additional_marker_square) # Write the modified layout to the output GDS file layout.write(output_gds_file) print(f"Marker blocks and additional blocks added to {input_gds_file} and saved as {output_gds_file}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error creating marker blocks: {e}")