import gdspy
import klayout.db as kdb
import numpy as np
def merge_shapes_in_layer(gds_file, output_gds_file, layer_number):
Selects all shapes in the given layer number from the input GDS file,
merges them together, and saves the result in the output GDS file.
gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file.
output_gds_file (str): Path to the output GDS file.
layer_number (int): The layer number whose shapes should be merged.
# Load the GDS file
layout = kdb.Layout()
# Find the index of the specified layer with datatype 0 (common in GDS files)
layer_index = layout.layer(layer_number, 0)
# Iterate over each cell in the layout
for cell in layout.each_cell():
# Get the shapes in the specified layer
shapes = cell.shapes(layer_index)
# If there are shapes, merge them together using boolean union
if not shapes.is_empty():
print(f"Merging shapes in layer {layer_number} in cell: {}")
# Create a region for the shapes on this layer
region = kdb.Region(shapes)
# Perform the boolean union to merge shapes
merged_shapes = region.merged()
# Clear the original shapes
# Insert the merged shapes back into the layer
# Save the modified layout to the output GDS file
print(f"Merged shapes in layer {layer_number} and saved to {output_gds_file}")
def crop_top_left_rectangle(gds_file, width=300, height=100, layer_number=5, datatype=0):
Removes a 300 x 100 um rectangle from the top left of the layer_number/datatype rectangle in the GDS file.
gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file.
width (int, optional): Width of the rectangle to remove in micrometers. Defaults to 300.
height (int, optional): Height of the rectangle to remove in micrometers. Defaults to 100.
layer_number (int, optional): The layer number of the rectangle to crop. Defaults to 5.
datatype (int, optional): The datatype of the rectangle to crop. Defaults to 0.
# Load the GDS file
layout = kdb.Layout()
# Iterate over each cell in the layout
for cell in layout.each_cell():
# Get the shapes in the 5/0 layer
layer_index_5_0 = layout.layer(layer_number, datatype)
shapes_5_0 = cell.shapes(layer_index_5_0)
# Create a region from the 5/0 layer shapes
region_5_0 = kdb.Region(shapes_5_0)
# Get the bounding box of the 5/0 layer shapes
bbox_5_0 = region_5_0.bbox()
# Calculate the coordinates for the 300 x 100 um rectangle
top_left_x = bbox_5_0.left
top_left_y =
rect_width = width / layout.dbu # Convert um to database units
rect_height = height / layout.dbu # Convert um to database units
# Create the 300 x 100 um rectangle
rect_top_left = kdb.Box(top_left_x, top_left_y - rect_height,
top_left_x + rect_width, top_left_y)
# Remove the 300 x 100 um rectangle from the 5/0 layer
cropped_shapes = region_5_0 - kdb.Region(rect_top_left)
# Clear the original 5/0 layer shapes
# Insert the cropped shapes into the 5/0 layer
# Write the modified layout to the GDS file
print(f"{width} x {height} um rectangle removed from the top left of the {layer_number}/{datatype} rectangle successfully.")
print(f"Output file: {gds_file}")
def apply_fixes(gds_file, datatype=0):
Applies the required fixes to the GDS file.
gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file.
datatype (int, optional): The new datatype value for all layers. Defaults to 0.
# Call the method to crop a 300 x 100 um rectangle on the top left of the 5/0 rectangle
# crop_top_left_rectangle(gds_file)
# Call the method to add a 703 layer datatype 0 rectangle covering the 5/0 layer
# Call the method to modify the GDS file datatypes
modify_gds_datatypes(gds_file, datatype)
# Call the method to delete layers with non-zero datatypes
delete_non_zero_datatype_layers(gds_file.replace('.gds', '_final.gds'))
# Merge all metal layers
merge_shapes_in_layer(gds_file.replace('.gds', '_final.gds'), gds_file.replace('.gds', '_final.gds'), 5)
def modify_gds_datatypes(gds_file, datatype=0):
Modifies the datatype of all layers in a GDS file.
gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file.
datatype (int, optional): The new datatype value for all layers. Defaults to 0.
# Load the GDS file
layout = kdb.Layout()
# Dictionary to store the merged layers
merged_layers = {}
# Iterate over each cell in the layout
for cell in layout.each_cell():
# Dictionary to store the layer numbers and their corresponding shapes
layer_shapes = {}
# Iterate over each layer in the layout
for layer_index in layout.layer_indices():
# Get the layer number and datatype
layer_info = layout.get_info(layer_index)
layer_number = layer_info.layer
layer_datatype = layer_info.datatype
# Retrieve the shapes in the current layer for the cell
shapes = cell.shapes(layer_index)
# Add the shapes to the layer_shapes dictionary
if layer_number not in layer_shapes:
layer_shapes[layer_number] = shapes
# Merge layers with the same layer number using boolean union
for layer_number, shapes in layer_shapes.items():
if layer_number not in merged_layers:
# Create a new layer with the modified datatype
merged_layer = layout.layer(layer_number, datatype)
merged_layers[layer_number] = merged_layer
# Use the existing merged layer
merged_layer = merged_layers[layer_number]
# Perform boolean union on the shapes
merged_shapes = kdb.Region(shapes)
# Delete the redundant layers
for layer_index in layout.layer_indices():
layer_info = layout.get_info(layer_index)
if layer_info.layer not in merged_layers:
# Write the modified layout to the GDS file
file_name = gds_file.replace('.gds', '_final.gds')
print("Merged all redundant layers successfully.")
print(f"Output file: {file_name}")
# delete_non_zero_datatype_layers(file_name)
def delete_non_zero_datatype_layers(gds_file):
Deletes all layers with datatypes not equal to 0 from the GDS file.
gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file.
# Load the GDS file
layout = kdb.Layout()
# Iterate over each cell in the layout
for cell in layout.each_cell():
# Iterate over each layer in the layout
for layer_index in layout.layer_indices():
# Get the layer datatype
layer_info = layout.get_info(layer_index)
layer_datatype = layer_info.datatype
# If the layer datatype is not 0, delete the layer
if layer_datatype != 0:
# Write the modified layout to the GDS file
print("Layers with non-zero datatypes deleted successfully.")
print(f"Output file: {gds_file}")
# Call the method to add a 703 layer datatype 0 rectangle covering the 5/0 layer
# add_703_layer(gds_file.replace('_modified.gds', '_final.gds'))
def add_703_layer(gds_file):
Adds a 703 layer datatype 0 rectangle covering the 5/0 layer in the GDS file.
gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file.
# Load the GDS file
layout = kdb.Layout()
# Iterate over each cell in the layout
for cell in layout.each_cell():
# Get the shapes in the 5/0 layer
layer_index_5_0 = layout.layer(5, 0)
shapes_5_0 = cell.shapes(layer_index_5_0)
# Create a region from the 5/0 layer shapes
region_5_0 = kdb.Region(shapes_5_0)
# Create a bounding box covering the 5/0 layer shapes
bbox_5_0 = region_5_0.bbox()
# Create a 703 layer with datatype 0
layer_index_703_0 = layout.layer(703, 0)
# Add a rectangle covering the 5/0 layer to the 703/0 layer
rect_703_0 = kdb.Box(bbox_5_0)
# Write the modified layout to the GDS file
print("703 layer datatype 0 rectangle added successfully.")
print(f"Output file: {gds_file}")
def get_all_layer_numbers(gds_file):
Retrieves all unique layer numbers present in the GDS file.
gds_file (str): Path to the input GDS file.
list: A list of tuples, where each tuple contains (layer_number, datatype).
# Load the GDS file
layout = kdb.Layout()
# Create a set to store unique (layer, datatype) pairs
layers = set()
# Iterate over all layers in the layout
for layer_index in layout.layer_indices():
layer_info = layout.get_info(layer_index)
layers.add((layer_info.layer, layer_info.datatype))
# Convert the set to a sorted list
sorted_layers = sorted(layers)
return sorted_layers
def add_squares_to_layer(input_gds, output_gds, selected_layer, selected_datatype, square_size=5, spacing=10, keepout=5):
Adds squares to a specific layer in a GDS file.
input_gds (str): The path to the input GDS file.
output_gds (str): The path to the output GDS file.
selected_layer (int): The layer number to add squares to.
selected_datatype (int): The datatype number to add squares to.
square_size (int, optional): The size of the squares to be added. Defaults to 5.
spacing (int, optional): The spacing between squares. Defaults to 10.
keepout (int, optional): The keepout area around the existing shapes. Defaults to 5.
# Read the GDS file
gdsii = gdspy.GdsLibrary(infile=input_gds)
# Create a new GDS file for the output
gdsii_new = gdspy.GdsLibrary()
# Adjust spacing
spacing = spacing*2
# Copy all cells from the input GDS to the output GDS
for cell_name, cell in gdsii.cells.items():
# Select the layer and datatype
layer_to_process = (selected_layer, selected_datatype)
# Get the shapes in the selected layer
polygons = cell.get_polygons(by_spec=True)
if layer_to_process in polygons:
# Create a new layer and datatype for the squares
new_layer = selected_layer
new_datatype = selected_datatype + 2
# Calculate the bounding box of the existing shapes
shapes = polygons[layer_to_process]
for shape in shapes:
shape = shape.tolist() # Ensure shape is a list of tuples
min_x = min(shape, key=lambda p: p[0])[0] + keepout
max_x = max(shape, key=lambda p: p[0])[0] - keepout
min_y = min(shape, key=lambda p: p[1])[1] + keepout
max_y = max(shape, key=lambda p: p[1])[1] - keepout
# Add squares within the geometry boundaries with keepout spacing
x = min_x
while x <= max_x:
y = min_y
while y <= max_y:
square = gdspy.Rectangle(
(x, y), (x + square_size, y + square_size),
layer=new_layer, datatype=new_datatype
# Check if the square points and the keepout area are within the existing polygon
square_points = [(x, y), (x + square_size, y), (x + square_size, y + square_size), (x, y + square_size)]
keepout_points = [
(x - keepout, y - keepout), (x + square_size + keepout, y - keepout),
(x + square_size + keepout, y + square_size + keepout), (x - keepout, y + square_size + keepout)
if np.all(gdspy.inside(square_points, [shape])) and np.all(gdspy.inside(keepout_points, [shape])):
y += spacing
x += spacing
# Write the new GDS file
def create_cheesing_effect(input_gds, output_gds, selected_layer, selected_datatype):
Creates a cheesing effect on a GDS file by subtracting a square layer from an original layer.
- input_gds (str): The path to the input GDS file.
- output_gds (str): The path to save the modified GDS file.
- selected_layer (int): The layer number of the original and square layers.
- selected_datatype (int): The datatype number of the original and square layers.
# Load the GDS file
layout = kdb.Layout()
# Get the top cell
top_cell = layout.top_cell()
# Define the layers
original_layer = layout.layer(selected_layer, selected_datatype)
square_layer = layout.layer(selected_layer, selected_datatype + 1)
# Boolean operation: A not B
original_shapes = kdb.Region(top_cell.shapes(original_layer))
square_shapes = kdb.Region(top_cell.shapes(square_layer))
result_shapes = original_shapes - square_shapes
# Clear original layer and add result shapes
# Remove the squares layer
# Write the new GDS file
def bias_gds_features(input_gds, output_gds, bias, layer_number, datatype_number=None):
Biases features on a specific layer in a GDS file by expanding or contracting them by the specified amount using KLayout.
input_gds (str): The path to the input GDS file.
output_gds (str): The path to the output GDS file.
bias (float): The amount by which to bias the features (in microns). Positive values expand features, negative values contract them.
layer_number (int): The layer number of the features to bias.
datatype_number (int, optional): The datatype number of the features to bias. If None, all datatypes on the layer are biased.
# Load the GDS file using KLayout
layout = kdb.Layout()
# Convert bias from microns to database units (nanometers)
bias_db = bias * 1000 # KLayout uses nanometers as the unit
# Get the layer indices for the specified layer and datatype
if datatype_number is None:
# If datatype_number is None, get all datatypes on the layer
layer_indices = []
for layer_info in layout.layer_infos():
if layer_info.layer == layer_number:
layer_indices.append(layout.layer(layer_info.layer, layer_info.datatype))
# Get the specific layer index
layer_indices = [layout.layer(layer_number, datatype_number)]
# Iterate through all cells
for cell in layout.each_cell():
# Iterate through the specified layers
for layer_index in layer_indices:
shapes = cell.shapes(layer_index)
region = kdb.Region(shapes)
if not region.is_empty():
# Perform the bias (grow or shrink)
# Clear the original shapes
# Add the biased shapes back
# Write the biased GDS file