Source code for squadds.simulations.ansys_simulator

# from utils import *
import sys
# warn using `warnings` if os is mac that this is not supported
import warnings

import qiskit_metal as metal
from qiskit_metal import Dict, MetalGUI, designs, draw
from qiskit_metal.toolbox_metal import math_and_overrides

from squadds.simulations.objects import *

[docs] class AnsysSimulator: """ AnsysSimulator class for simulating devices using Ansys. Attributes: analyzer: The analyzer object. design_options: The design options. lom_analysis_obj: The LOM analysis object. epr_analysis_obj: The EPR analysis object. design: The design planar object. gui: The MetalGUI object. """ def __init__(self, analyzer, design_options, **kwargs): """ Initialize the AnsysSimulator object. Args: analyzer: The analyzer object. design_options: The design options. Optional arguments: open_gui (bool): If True, a MetalGUI instance is created and assigned to self.gui. Default is False. """ self.analyzer = analyzer self.design_options = design_options self.lom_analysis_obj = None self.epr_analysis_obj = None self.default_eigenmode_options = { "setup": { 'basis_order': 1, 'max_delta_f': 0.05, 'max_passes': 30, 'min_converged': 1, 'min_converged_passes': 2, 'min_freq_ghz': 1, 'min_passes': 1, 'n_modes': 1, 'name': 'default_eigenmode_setup', 'pct_refinement': 30, 'reuse_selected_design': True, 'reuse_setup': True, 'vars': {'Cj': '0fF', 'Lj': '0nH'} } } self.default_lom_options = { "setup": { 'name': 'default_LOM_setup', 'reuse_selected_design': False, 'reuse_setup': False, 'freq_ghz': 5.0, 'save_fields': False, 'enabled': True, 'max_passes': 30, 'min_passes': 2, 'min_converged_passes': 1, 'percent_error': 0.1, 'percent_refinement': 30, 'auto_increase_solution_order': True, 'solution_order': 'High', 'solver_type': 'Iterative', } } = metal.designs.design_planar.DesignPlanar() if kwargs.get("open_gui", False): self.gui = metal.MetalGUI( = True self._warnings() print(f"selected system: {self.analyzer.selected_system}") def _warnings(self): """ Displays a warning message if the operating system is macOS. Raises: UserWarning: If the operating system is macOS, a warning is raised indicating that `AnsysSimulator` is not supported on MacOS. """ if sys.platform == "darwin": # Checks if the operating system is macOS warnings.warn("`AnsysSimulator` is not supported on MacOS since Ansys does not have a Mac App. Please use Windows or Linux for simulations.")
[docs] def get_design_screenshot(self): """ Saves a screenshot of the design. Returns: None """ self.gui = metal.MetalGUI( self.gui.rebuild() self.gui.autoscale() self.gui.screenshot()
[docs] def sweep(self, sweep_dict, emode_setup=None, lom_setup=None): """ Sweeps the device based on the provided sweep dictionary. Args: sweep_dict (dict): A dictionary containing the sweep options. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: The sweep results. Raises: None """ if emode_setup == None: emode_setup=self.default_eigenmode_options if lom_setup == None: lom_setup=self.default_lom_options # run_sweep(, sweep_dict, emode_setup, lom_setup) # print(sweep_dict) if "coupler_type" in sweep_dict and sweep_dict["coupler_type"].lower() == "ncap": run_sweep(, sweep_dict, emode_setup, lom_setup, filename="ncap_sweep") elif "coupler_type" in sweep_dict and sweep_dict["coupler_type"].lower() == "clt": run_sweep(, sweep_dict, emode_setup, lom_setup, filename="clt_sweep") else: run_sweep(, sweep_dict, emode_setup, lom_setup, filename="xmon_sweep")
[docs] def simulate(self, device_dict): """ Simulates the device based on the provided device dictionary. Args: device_dict (dict): A dictionary containing the device design options and setup. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: The simulation results. Raises: None """ return_df = {} if isinstance(self.analyzer.selected_system, list): # have a qubit_cavity object self.geom_dict = Dict( qubit_geoms = device_dict["design_options_qubit"], cavity_geoms = device_dict["design_options_cavity_claw"] ) self.setup_dict = Dict( qubit_setup = device_dict["setup_qubit"], cavity_setup = device_dict["setup_cavity_claw"] ) return_df, self.lom_analysis_obj, self.epr_analysis_obj = simulate_whole_device(, device_dict=device_dict, LOM_options=self.setup_dict.qubit_setup, eigenmode_options=self.setup_dict.cavity_setup) else: # have a non-qubit_cavity object self.geom_dict = device_dict["design_options"] self.setup_dict = device_dict["setup"] return_df, self.lom_analysis_obj, self.epr_analysis_obj = simulate_single_design(, device_dict=device_dict, lom_options=self.setup_dict) return return_df
[docs] def get_renderer_screenshot(self): """ Saves a screenshot of the renderer. If the EPR analysis object is not None, it saves a screenshot of the EPR analysis simulation. If the LOM analysis object is not None, it saves a screenshot of the LOM analysis simulation. """ if self.epr_analysis_obj is not None: self.epr_analysis_obj.sim.save_screenshot() if self.lom_analysis_obj is not None: self.lom_analysis_obj.sim.save_screenshot()
[docs] def get_xmon_info(self, xmon_dict): """ Retrieves information about the Xmon qubit from the given xmon_dict. Parameters: xmon_dict (dict): A dictionary containing simulation results and design options. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the qubit frequency in GHz and the anharmonicity in MHz. """ # data = xmon_dict["sim_results"] cross2cpw = abs(xmon_dict["sim_results"]["cross_to_claw"]) * 1e-15 cross2ground = abs(xmon_dict["sim_results"]["cross_to_ground"]) * 1e-15 Lj = xmon_dict["design"]["design_options"]["aedt_q3d_inductance"] * (1 if xmon_dict["design"]["design_options"]["aedt_q3d_inductance"] > 1e-9 else 1e-9) a, fq = find_a_fq(cross2cpw, cross2ground, Lj) print(f"qubit anharmonicity = {round(a)} MHz \nqubit frequency = {round(fq, 3)} GHz") # return a json object return {"qubit_frequency_GHz": fq, "anharmonicity_MHz": a}
[docs] def plot_device(self, device_dict): """ Plot the device based on the given device dictionary. Parameters: - device_dict (dict): A dictionary containing the device information. Returns: None """ self.gui = metal.MetalGUI( if "g" in device_dict["sim_results"]: qc = QubitCavity(, "qubit_cavity", options=device_dict["design"]["design_options"]) self.gui.rebuild() self.gui.autoscale() self.gui.screenshot()
[docs] def sweep_qubit_cavity(self, device_dict, emode_setup=None, lom_setup=None): """ Sweeps a single geometric parameter of the qubit and cavity system based on the provided sweep dictionary. Args: device_dict (dict): A dictionary containing the device design options and setup. emode_setup (dict): A dictionary containing the eigenmode setup options. lom_setup (dict): A dictionary containing the LOM setup options. Returns: results: The sweep results. """ if emode_setup == None: emode_setup=self.default_eigenmode_options if lom_setup == None: lom_setup=self.default_lom_options results = run_qubit_cavity_sweep(, device_dict, emode_setup, lom_setup, filename="qubit_cavity_sweep")