Source code for squadds.simulations.objects


from datetime import datetime

from qiskit_metal.analyses.quantization import EPRanalysis, LOManalysis

from .sweeper_helperfunctions import extract_QSweep_parameters
from .utils import *

[docs] class SimulationConfig: """ Represents the configuration for a simulation. Args: design_name (str): The name of the design. renderer_type (str): The type of renderer. sim_type (str): The type of simulation. setup_name (str): The name of the setup. max_passes (int): The maximum number of passes. max_delta_f (float): The maximum delta frequency. min_converged_passes (int): The minimum number of converged passes. Lj (float): The value of Lj. Cj (float): The value of Cj. """ def __init__(self, design_name="CavitySweep", renderer_type="hfss", sim_type="eigenmode", setup_name="Setup", max_passes=49, max_delta_f=0.05, min_converged_passes=2, Lj=0, Cj=0): """ Initialize the Simulation object. Args: design_name (str): The name of the design. renderer_type (str): The type of renderer to be used. sim_type (str): The type of simulation. setup_name (str): The name of the setup. max_passes (int): The maximum number of passes. max_delta_f (float): The maximum change in frequency. min_converged_passes (int): The minimum number of converged passes. Lj (float): The value of inductance. Cj (float): The value of capacitance. """ self.design_name = design_name self.renderer_type = renderer_type self.sim_type = sim_type self.setup_name = setup_name self.max_passes = max_passes self.max_delta_f = max_delta_f self.min_converged_passes = min_converged_passes self.Lj = Lj self.Cj = Cj
[docs] def simulate_whole_device(design, device_dict, eigenmode_options, LOM_options, open_gui=False): """ Simulates the whole device by running eigenmode and LOM simulations. Args: design (metal.designs.design_planar.DesignPlanar): The design object. cross_dict (dict): Dictionary containing qubit options. cavity_dict (dict): Dictionary containing cavity options. LOM_options (dict): Dictionary containing LOM setup options. eigenmode_options (dict): Dictionary containing eigenmode setup options. open_gui (bool, optional): If True, the Metal GUI is opened. Default is False. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the simulation results, LOM analysis object, and eigenmode analysis object. """ cross_dict = device_dict["design_options_qubit"] cavity_dict = device_dict["design_options_cavity_claw"] design.delete_all_components() if device_dict["coupler_type"].upper() == "CLT": emode_df, emode_obj = run_eigenmode(design, cavity_dict, eigenmode_options) lom_df, lom_obj = run_xmon_LOM(design, cross_dict, LOM_options) data = get_sim_results(emode_df = emode_df, lom_df = lom_df) elif device_dict["coupler_type"].lower() == "ncap": emode_df, emode_obj = run_eigenmode(design, cavity_dict, eigenmode_options) ncap_lom_df, ncap_lom_obj = run_capn_LOM(design, cavity_dict["cplr_opts"], LOM_options) lom_df, lom_obj = run_xmon_LOM(design, cross_dict, LOM_options) data = get_sim_results(emode_df = emode_df, lom_df = lom_df, ncap_lom_df=ncap_lom_df) device_dict_format = Dict( cavity_options = Dict( coupler_type = device_dict["coupler_type"], coupler_options = cavity_dict["cplr_opts"], cpw_opts = Dict ( left_options = cavity_dict["cpw_opts"], ) ), qubit_options = cross_dict ) design = metal.designs.design_planar.DesignPlanar() if open_gui: gui = metal.MetalGUI(design) else: pass design.overwrite_enabled = True QC = create_qubitcavity(device_dict_format, design) return_df = dict( sim_options = dict( setup = dict( eigenmode_setup = eigenmode_options, LOM_setup = LOM_options ), renderer_options = dict( eigenmode_renderer_options = emode_obj.sim.renderer.options, lom_renderer_options = lom_obj.sim.renderer.options ), simulator = "Ansys HFSS" ), sim_results = data, design = dict( design_options = device_dict_format ) ) return return_df, lom_obj, emode_obj
[docs] def simulate_single_design(design, device_dict, emode_options={}, lom_options={}, coupler_type="CLT"): """ Simulates a single design using the provided parameters. Args: design (Design): The design object representing the design. device_dict (dict): A dictionary containing device options. emode_options (dict): A dictionary containing the eigenmode simulation options. lom_options (dict): A dictionary containing the LOM simulation options. coupler_type (str): The type of coupler to be used. sim_options (dict): A dictionary containing simulation options. Returns: dict or tuple: The simulation results. If eigenmode simulation is performed, returns a dictionary containing the eigenmode results. If LOM simulation is performed, returns a tuple containing the LOM dataframe and LOM object. """ design.delete_all_components() emode_df = {} lom_df = {} return_df = {} emode_obj = None lom_obj = None if "cpw_opts" in device_dict.keys(): emode_df, emode_obj = run_eigenmode(design, device_dict, emode_options) if coupler_type.lower() == "ncap": # emode_df, emode_obj = run_eigenmode(design, device_dict, sim_options) ncap_lom_df, lom_obj = run_capn_LOM(design, device_dict["cplr_opts"], lom_options) f_est, kappa_est = find_kappa(emode_df["sim_results"]["cavity_frequency"], ncap_lom_df["sim_results"]["C_top2ground"], ncap_lom_df["sim_results"]["C_top2bottom"]) # emode_df["sim_results"]["cavity_frequency"] = f_est # emode_df["sim_results"]["kappa"] = kappa_est return_df.update({"lom_df": ncap_lom_df}) return_df.update({"eigenmode_df": emode_df}) return_df["final_sim_results"] = {} return_df["final_sim_results"]["cavity_frequency"] = f_est return_df["final_sim_results"]["kappa"] = kappa_est return_df["final_sim_results"].update({"cavity_frequency_unit": "GHz"}) return_df["final_sim_results"].update({"kappa_unit": "kHz"}) else: lom_df, lom_obj = run_xmon_LOM(design, device_dict["design_options"], lom_options) if "cross_length" in device_dict["design_options"] else run_capn_LOM(design, device_dict, lom_options) return_df = lom_df return return_df, emode_obj, lom_obj
[docs] def get_sim_results(emode_df = {}, lom_df = {}, ncap_lom_df = {}): """ Retrieves simulation results from the provided dataframes and calculates additional parameters. Args: emode_df (dict): Dataframe containing eigenmode simulation results. lom_df (dict): Dataframe containing lumped element model simulation results. ncap_lom_df (dict): Dataframe containing lumped element model simulation results for NCap coupler. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the calculated simulation results. """ data_emode = {} if emode_df == {} else emode_df["sim_results"] data_lom = {} if lom_df == {} else lom_df["sim_results"] data = {} cross2cpw = abs(lom_df["sim_results"]["cross_to_claw"]) * 1e-15 cross2ground = abs(lom_df["sim_results"]["cross_to_ground"]) * 1e-15 f_r = emode_df["sim_results"]["cavity_frequency"] Lj = lom_df["design"]["design_options"]["aedt_q3d_inductance"] * (1 if lom_df["design"]["design_options"]["aedt_q3d_inductance"] > 1e-9 else 1e-9) # print(Lj) gg, aa, ff_q = find_g_a_fq(cross2cpw, cross2ground, f_r, Lj, N=4) kappa = emode_df["sim_results"]["kappa"] Q = emode_df["sim_results"]["Q"] if ncap_lom_df != {}: f_r, kappa = find_kappa(emode_df["sim_results"]["cavity_frequency"], ncap_lom_df["sim_results"]["C_top2ground"], ncap_lom_df["sim_results"]["C_top2bottom"]) data = dict( cavity_frequency_GHz = f_r, Q = Q, kappa_kHz = kappa, g_MHz = gg, anharmonicity_MHz = aa, qubit_frequency_GHz = ff_q ) return data
[docs] def run_eigenmode(design, geometry_dict, sim_options): """ Runs the eigenmode simulation for a given design using Ansys HFSS. Args: design (str): The name of the design. geometry_dict (dict): A dictionary containing the geometry options for the simulation. sim_options (dict): A dictionary containing the simulation options. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the simulation results and the EPRAnalysis object. The simulation results are stored in a dictionary with the following structure: { "design": { "coupler_type": "CLT", "design_options": geometry_dict, "design_tool": "Qiskit Metal" }, "sim_options": { "sim_type": "epr", "setup": setup, "simulator": "Ansys HFSS" }, "sim_results": { "cavity_frequency": f_rough, "Q": Q, "kappa": kappa }, "misc": data } The EPRAnalysis object is returned for further analysis or post-processing. """ cpw_length = int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, geometry_dict["cpw_opts"]["total_length"]))) claw = create_claw(geometry_dict["claw_opts"], cpw_length, design) coupler = create_coupler(geometry_dict["cplr_opts"], design) cpw = create_cpw(geometry_dict["cpw_opts"], coupler, design) config = SimulationConfig(min_converged_passes=3) epra, hfss = start_simulation(design, config) hfss.clean_active_design() # setup = set_simulation_hyperparameters(epra, config) # ["setup"] epra.sim.setup = Dict(sim_options) = "test_setup" epra.sim.renderer.options.max_mesh_length_port = '7um' setup = epra.sim.setup # print(setup) # print(type(setup)) # print(type(sim_options["setup"])) mesh_lengths = {} coupler_type = "CLT" # "finger_count" in geometry_dict["cplr_opts"] if geometry_dict['cprl_opts'].get('finger_count') is not None : coupler_type = "NCap" render_simulation_no_ports(epra, [cpw,claw], [(, "start")], config.design_name, setup.vars) mesh_lengths = {'mesh1': {"objects": [f"trace_{}", f"readout_connector_arm_{}"], "MaxLength": '4um'}} else: render_simulation_with_ports(epra, config.design_name, setup.vars, coupler) mesh_lengths = {'mesh1': {"objects": [f"prime_cpw_{}", f"second_cpw_{}", f"trace_{}", f"readout_connector_arm_{}"], "MaxLength": '7um'}} modeler = #add_ground_strip_and_mesh(modeler, coupler, mesh_lengths=mesh_lengths) print(mesh_lengths) mesh_objects(modeler, mesh_lengths) f_rough, Q, kappa = get_freq_Q_kappa(epra, hfss) data = epra.get_data() data_df = { "design": { "coupler_type": coupler_type, "design_options": geometry_dict, "design_tool": "Qiskit Metal" }, "sim_options": { "sim_type": "epr", "setup": setup, "renderer_options": epra.sim.renderer.options, "simulator": "Ansys HFSS" }, "sim_results": { "cavity_frequency": f_rough, "cavity_frequency_unit": "GHz", "Q": Q, "kappa": kappa, "kappa_unit": "kHz" }, "misc": data } return data_df, epra
[docs] def run_capn_LOM(design, param, sim_options): """ Run capacitance analysis using Qiskit Metal and Ansys HFSS. Args: design (metal.designs.design_planar.DesignPlanar): The design object. param (dict): Design options for the coupler. sim_options (dict): Simulation options. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the following: - data_df (dict): Dictionary containing design, simulation options, simulation results, and miscellaneous data. - loma (LOManalysis): The LOManalysis object. """ # design = metal.designs.design_planar.DesignPlanar() # gui = metal.MetalGUI(design) # design.overwrite_enabled = True coupler = create_coupler(param, design) loma = LOManalysis(design, "q3d") loma.sim.setup.reuse_selected_design = False loma.sim.setup.reuse_setup = False # example: update single setting loma.sim.setup.max_passes = 33 loma.sim.setup.min_converged_passes = 3 loma.sim.setup.percent_error = 0.1 loma.sim.setup.auto_increase_solution_order = 'False' loma.sim.setup.solution_order = 'Medium' = 'lom_setup' loma.sim.setup = sim_options["setup"] = 'LOMv2.01', components=[], open_terminations=[(, pin_name) for pin_name in coupler.pin_names]) cap_df = loma.sim.capacitance_matrix data = loma.get_data() setup = loma.sim.setup data_df = { "design": { "coupler_type": "NCap", "design_options": param, "design_tool": "Qiskit Metal" }, "sim_options": { "sim_type": "lom", "setup": setup, "simulator": "Ansys HFSS" }, "sim_results": { "C_top2top" : abs(cap_df[f"cap_body_0_{}"].values[0]), "C_top2bottom" : abs(cap_df[f"cap_body_0_{}"].values[1]), "C_top2ground" : abs(cap_df[f"cap_body_0_{}"].values[2]), "C_bottom2bottom" : abs(cap_df[f"cap_body_1_{}"].values[1]), "C_bottom2ground" : abs(cap_df[f"cap_body_1_{}"].values[2]), "C_ground2ground" : abs(cap_df[f"ground_main_plane"].values[2]), }, "misc": data } return data_df, loma
[docs] def run_xmon_LOM(design, cross_dict, sim_options): """ Runs the XMON LOM simulation. Args: design (metal.designs.design_planar.DesignPlanar): The design object. cross_dict (dict): The dictionary containing cross connection information. sim_options (dict): The simulation options. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the simulation data and the LOManalysis object. """ # design = metal.designs.design_planar.DesignPlanar() # gui = metal.MetalGUI(design) # design.overwrite_enabled = True c1 = LOManalysis(design, "q3d") c1.sim.setup.reuse_selected_design = False c1.sim.setup.reuse_setup = False c1.sim.setup.max_passes = 50 c1.sim.setup.min_converged_passes = 2 c1.sim.setup.percent_error = 0.1 = 'sweep_setup' c1.sim.setup = sim_options #["setup"] qname = 'xmon' cnames = cross_dict["connection_pads"].keys() cname = list(cnames)[0] temp_arr = np.repeat(qname, len(cnames)) ports_zip = list(zip(temp_arr, cnames)) q = TransmonCross(design, qname, options=cross_dict) design.rebuild() selection = [qname] open_pins = ports_zip # print(q.options) c1.sim.renderer.clean_active_design() = 'LOMv2.0', components=selection, open_terminations=open_pins) cap_df = c1.sim.capacitance_matrix # print("#"*100) # print(c1.sim.renderer.options) data = { "design": { "design_options": design.components[qname].options, "design_tool": "Qiskit Metal" }, "sim_options": { "sim_type": "lom", "setup": c1.sim.setup, "renderer_options": c1.sim.renderer.options, "simulator": "Ansys HFSS" }, "sim_results": { "cross_to_ground": 0 if 'ground_main_plane' not in cap_df.loc[f'cross_{qname}'] else abs(cap_df.loc[f'cross_{qname}']['ground_main_plane']), "claw_to_ground": 0 if 'ground_main_plane' not in cap_df.loc[f'{cname}_connector_arm_{qname}'] else abs(cap_df.loc[f'{cname}_connector_arm_{qname}']['ground_main_plane']), "cross_to_claw": abs(cap_df.loc[f'cross_{qname}'][f'{cname}_connector_arm_{qname}']), "cross_to_cross": abs(cap_df.loc[f'cross_{qname}'][f'cross_{qname}']), "claw_to_claw": abs(cap_df.loc[f'{cname}_connector_arm_{qname}'][f'{cname}_connector_arm_{qname}']), "ground_to_ground": 0 if 'ground_main_plane' not in cap_df.loc[f'cross_{qname}'] else abs(cap_df.loc['ground_main_plane']['ground_main_plane']), "units": "fF" }, } # save_simulation_data_to_json(data, filename = f"qubitonly_num{i}_{comp_id}_v{version}") return data, c1
[docs] def run_sweep(design, sweep_opts, emode_options, lom_options, filename="default_sweep"): ''' Runs a parameter sweep for the specified design. Args: design (Design): The design object. sweep_opts (dict): The sweep options. emode_options (dict): The eigenmode setup options. lom_options (dict): The LOM setup options. filename (str): The filename for the simulation results. Returns: None Saves each sweep iteration to a JSON file with the specified filename. ''' for param in extract_QSweep_parameters(sweep_opts["geometry_dict"]): print(param) return_df, _, __ = simulate_single_design(design, param, emode_options, lom_options, sweep_opts["coupler_type"]) filename = f"filename_{'%d%m%Y_%H.%M.%S')}" save_simulation_data_to_json(return_df, filename)
[docs] def run_qubit_cavity_sweep(design, device_options, emode_setup=None, lom_setup=None, filename="default_sweep"): """ Runs a parameter sweep for the specified design. Args: design (Design): The design object. sweep_opts (dict): The sweep options. device_dict (dict): The device dictionary containing the design options and setup. emode_setup (dict): The eigenmode setup options. lom_setup (dict): The LOM setup options. filename (str): The filename for the simulation results. Returns:""" simulated_params_list = [] for param in extract_QSweep_parameters(device_options): cpw_claw_qubit_df, _, _ = simulate_whole_device(design, param, emode_setup, lom_setup) filename = f"filename_{'%d%m%Y_%H.%M.%S')}" simulated_params_list.append(cpw_claw_qubit_df) save_simulation_data_to_json(cpw_claw_qubit_df, filename) return simulated_params_list
[docs] def start_simulation(design, config): """ Starts the simulation with the specified design and configuration. :param design: The design to be simulated. :param config: The configuration settings for the simulation. :return: A tuple containing the EPR analysis object and the HFSS object. """ epra = EPRanalysis(design, config.renderer_type) hfss = epra.sim.renderer print("Starting the Simulation") hfss.start() hfss.new_ansys_design(config.design_name, config.sim_type) return epra, hfss
[docs] def set_simulation_hyperparameters(epra, config): """ Sets the simulation hyperparameters based on the provided configuration. :param epra: The EPR analysis object. :param config: The configuration settings for the simulation. :return: The setup object with the updated settings. """ setup = epra.sim.setup = config.setup_name setup.max_passes = config.max_passes setup.max_delta_f = config.max_delta_f setup.min_converged = config.min_converged_passes setup.n_modes = 1 setup.vars = {'Lj': f'{config.Lj}nH', 'Cj': f'{config.Cj}fF'} return setup
[docs] def render_simulation_with_ports(epra, ansys_design_name, setup_vars, coupler): """ Renders the simulation into HFSS. :param epra: The EPR analysis object. :param ansys_design_name: The name of the Ansys design. :param setup_vars: The setup variables for the rendering. :param coupler: The coupler object. """ print(epra.sim) epra.sim.renderer.clean_active_design() epra.sim._render(name=ansys_design_name, solution_type='eigenmode', vars_to_initialize=setup_vars, open_pins=[(, "prime_start"), (, "prime_end")], port_list=[(, 'prime_start', 50), (, "prime_end", 50)], box_plus_buffer=True) print("Sim rendered into HFSS!")
[docs] def render_simulation_no_ports(epra, components, open_pins, ansys_design_name, setup_vars): """ Renders the simulation into HFSS. :param epra: The EPR analysis object. :param ansys_design_name: The name of the Ansys design. :param setup_vars: The setup variables for the rendering. :param components: List of QComponent object. """ epra.sim._render(name=ansys_design_name, selection=[ for qcomp in components], open_pins=open_pins, solution_type='eigenmode', vars_to_initialize=setup_vars, box_plus_buffer=True) print("Sim rendered into HFSS!")