Source code for squadds.simulations.sweeper_helperfunctions

from itertools import product

[docs] def extract_QSweep_parameters(parameters: dict) -> list[dict]: ''' Input: * parameters (dict) - nested dictionary with a list at the end of the nest Output: * list_of_combos (list of dicts) - same nested structure as your input. But you'll have each combination. ''' ext_parameters = extract_parameters(parameters) values = extract_values(parameters) combo = generate_combinations(values) list_of_combos = create_dict_list(ext_parameters, combo) return list_of_combos
[docs] def extract_parameters(dictionary, keys=None, prefix=''): ''' Extract keys in nested dict, then separates these keys by a `.` For our purposes, gets the parameters of interest Input: * dictionary (dict) Output: * keys (list of string) Example: my_dict = {'transmon1': {'cross_width': '30um', 'connection_pads': {'readout': {'pad_width': '200um'}}}} print(extract_keys(my_dict)) # prints: ['transmon1.cross_width', 'transmon1.connection_pads.readout.pad_width'] ''' if keys is None: keys = [] for key, value in dictionary.items(): full_key = f"{prefix}{key}" if prefix else key if isinstance(value, dict): extract_parameters(value, keys, full_key + '.') else: keys.append(full_key) return keys
[docs] def as_list(x): """ Converts the input to a list if it is not already a list. Args: x: The input value. Returns: A list containing the input value if it is not already a list. """ return x if type(x) is list else [x]
[docs] def extract_values(dictionary, values=None): ''' Extract values in nested dict For our purposes, gets the initial guesses associated w/ self.parameters Input: * dictionary (dict) Output: * values (list of string) Example: my_dict = {'transmon1': {'cross_width': '30um', 'connection_pads': {'readout': {'pad_width': '200um'}}}} print(extract_values(my_dict)) # prints: ['30um', '200um'] ''' if values is None: values = [] for key,value in dictionary.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): extract_values(value, values) else: values.append(as_list(value)) return values
[docs] def generate_combinations(lists): ''' This function takes in a list of lists and returns a list of tuples that contain all possible combinations of the elements in the input lists. Input: * lists (list) - A list of lists containing elements that we want to generate combinations for. Output: * combination (list of tuples) - A list of tuples containing all possible combinations of the elements in the input lists. ''' combinations = list(product(*lists)) return combinations
[docs] def create_dict_list(keys, values): '''' Takes in a list of strings (keys) and a list of values, and returns a list of nested dictionaries where `.` in the string references the level of nesting. Input: * keys (list of strings) - A list of strings representing the keys for the dictionaries. * values (list) - A list of values to be used as the values for the dictionaries Output: * dict_list (list of nested dictionaries) - A list of nested dictionaries where each dictionary has the keys as its keys and the values as its values. ''' # Initialize an empty list to store the dictionaries dict_list = [] # Iterate over the values for vals in values: # Create an empty dictionary to store the nested dictionaries nested_dict = {} # Iterate over the keys and values for i, key in enumerate(keys): # Split the key into parts parts = key.split('.') # Initialize a reference to the dictionary at the top level d = nested_dict # Iterate over the parts, except for the last one for part in parts[:-1]: # If the part does not exist in the dictionary, create an empty dictionary if part not in d: d[part] = {} # Update the reference to the inner dictionary d = d[part] # Set the value of the last part to the corresponding value d[parts[-1]] = vals[i] # Append the nested dictionary to the list dict_list.append(nested_dict) return dict_list