Source code for squadds.simulations.utils

This file contains utility functions for the simulation.
import json
import os
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime

import numpy as np
import qiskit_metal as metal
import scqubits as scq
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pandas import DataFrame
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from pyaedt import Hfss
from qiskit_metal import Dict, MetalGUI, designs, draw
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.core import QComponent
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.couplers.cap_n_interdigital_tee import \
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.couplers.coupled_line_tee import CoupledLineTee
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.couplers.line_tee import LineTee
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.qubits.transmon_cross import TransmonCross
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.terminations.launchpad_wb import LaunchpadWirebond
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.terminations.open_to_ground import OpenToGround
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.terminations.short_to_ground import ShortToGround
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.tlines.anchored_path import RouteAnchors
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.tlines.meandered import RouteMeander
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.tlines.mixed_path import RouteMixed
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.tlines.straight_path import RouteStraight
from qiskit_metal.toolbox_metal import math_and_overrides

from squadds.components.claw_coupler import TransmonClaw
from squadds.components.coupled_systems import QubitCavity

[docs] def getMeshScreenshot(projectname, designname, solutiontype="Eigenmode"): """ Get a screenshot of the mesh for a given project, design, and solution type. Parameters: projectname (str): The name of the project. designname (str): The name of the design. solutiontype (str, optional): The type of solution. Defaults to "Eigenmode". Raises: NotImplementedError: This function is not implemented yet. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def generate_bbox(component: QComponent) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Generates a bounding box dictionary from a given QComponent. Parameters: component (QComponent): The component for which to generate a bounding box. Returns: Dict[str, float]: A dictionary representing the bounding box with keys 'min_x', 'max_x', 'min_y', 'max_y'. """ bounds = component.qgeometry_bounds() bbox = { 'min_x': bounds[0], 'max_x': bounds[2], 'min_y': bounds[1], 'max_y': bounds[3] } return bbox
[docs] def setMaterialProperties(projectname,designname,solutiontype="Eigenmode"): """ Interfaces with ANSYS via pyEPR for more custom automation. 1. Connects to ANSYS. 2. Changes Silicon permittivity to 11.45, representing ultra cold silicon. 3. Deletes any preexisting setups. Parameters: projectname (str): The name of the project. designname (str): The name of the design. solutiontype (str, optional): The type of solution. Defaults to "Eigenmode". """ aedt = Hfss(projectname=projectname, designname=designname, solution_type=solutiontype, new_desktop_session=False, close_on_exit=False) ultra_cold_silicon(aedt) delete_old_setups(aedt) aedt.release_desktop(close_projects=False, close_desktop=False)
[docs] def ultra_cold_silicon(aedt): """Change silicon properties to ultra cold silicon Args: aedt (pyAEDT Desktop obj) """ materials = aedt.materials silicon = materials.checkifmaterialexists('silicon') silicon.permittivity = 11.45 silicon.dielectric_loss_tangent = 1E-7
[docs] def delete_old_setups(aedt): """Delete old setups Args: aedt (pyAEDT Desktop obj) """ # Clear setups if len(aedt.setups) != 0: aedt.setups[0].delete()
[docs] def calculate_center_and_dimensions(bbox): """ Calculate the center and dimensions from the bounding box. :param bbox: The bounding box dictionary with keys 'min_x', 'max_x', 'min_y', 'max_y'. :return: A tuple containing the center coordinates and dimensions. """ center_x = (bbox['min_x'] + bbox['max_x']) / 2 center_y = (bbox['min_y'] + bbox['max_y']) / 2 center_z = 0 x_size = bbox['max_x'] - bbox['min_x'] y_size = bbox['max_y'] - bbox['min_y'] z_size = 0 return (center_x, center_y, center_z), (x_size, y_size, z_size)
[docs] def get_freq(epra, test_hfss): """ Analyze the simulation, plot the results, and report the frequencies, Q, and kappa. :param epra: The EPR analysis object. :param test_hfss: The HFSS object. """ project_name = test_hfss.pinfo.project_name design_name = test_hfss.pinfo.design_name setMaterialProperties(project_name, design_name, solutiontype="Eigenmode") epra.sim._analyze() try: epra.sim.plot_convergences() epra.sim.save_screenshot() epra.sim.plot_fields('main') epra.sim.save_screenshot() except: print("couldn't generate plots.") f = epra.get_frequencies() freq = f.values[0][0] * 1e9 print(f"freq = {round(freq/1e9, 3)} GHz") return freq
[docs] def get_freq_Q_kappa(epra, test_hfss): """ Analyze the simulation, plot the results, and report the frequencies, Q, and kappa. :param epra: The EPR analysis object. :param test_hfss: The HFSS object. """ project_name = test_hfss.pinfo.project_name design_name = test_hfss.pinfo.design_name setMaterialProperties(project_name, design_name, solutiontype="Eigenmode") epra.sim._analyze() try: epra.sim.plot_convergences() epra.sim.save_screenshot() epra.sim.plot_fields('main') epra.sim.save_screenshot() except: print("couldn't generate plots.") f = epra.get_frequencies() freq = f.values[0][0] * 1e9 Q = f.values[0][1] kappa = freq / Q print(f"freq = {round(freq/1e9, 3)} GHz") print(f"Q = {round(Q, 1)}") print(f"kappa = {round(kappa/1e6, 3)} MHz") return freq, Q, kappa
[docs] def mesh_objects(modeler, mesh_lengths): """ Draw the rectangle in the Ansys modeler, update the model, and set the mesh based on the input dictionary. :param modeler: The modeler object. :param center: The center coordinates tuple. :param dimensions: The dimensions tuple. :param cpw: The cpw object. :param claw: The claw object. :param mesh_lengths: Dictionary containing mesh names, associated objects, and MaxLength values. """ for mesh_name, mesh_info in mesh_lengths.items(): modeler.mesh_length(mesh_name, mesh_info['objects'], MaxLength=mesh_info['MaxLength'])
[docs] def add_ground_strip_and_mesh(modeler, coupler, mesh_lengths): """ Draw the rectangle in the Ansys modeler, update the model, and set the mesh based on the input dictionary. :param modeler: The modeler object. :param center: The center coordinates tuple. :param dimensions: The dimensions tuple. :param coupler: The coupler object. :param cpw: The cpw object. :param claw: The claw object. :param mesh_lengths: Dictionary containing mesh names, associated objects, and MaxLength values. """ bounds = coupler.qgeometry_bounds() bbox = {'min_x': bounds[0], 'max_x': bounds[2], 'min_y': bounds[1], 'max_y': bounds[3]} center, dimensions = calculate_center_and_dimensions(bbox) gs = modeler.draw_rect_center( [coord * 1e-3 for coord in center], x_size=dimensions[0] * 1e-3, y_size=dimensions[1] * 1e-3, name='ground_strip' ) modeler.intersect(["ground_strip", "ground_main_plane"], True) modeler.subtract("ground_main_plane", ["ground_strip"], True) modeler.assign_perfect_E(["ground_strip"]) mesh_lengths.update({'mesh_ground_strip': {"objects": ["ground_strip"], "MaxLength": '4um'}}) for mesh_name, mesh_info in mesh_lengths.items(): modeler.mesh_length(mesh_name, mesh_info['objects'], MaxLength=mesh_info['MaxLength'])
[docs] def create_qubitcavity(opts, design): """ Create a QubitCavity object. Args: opts (dict): Options for the QubitCavity object. design (str): Design name. Returns: QubitCavity: The created QubitCavity object. """ qubitcavity = QubitCavity(design, "qubitcavity", options=opts) return qubitcavity
[docs] def create_claw(opts, cpw_length, design): """ Create a TransmonClaw object with the given options, cpw_length, and design. Args: opts (dict): A dictionary of options for the TransmonClaw object. cpw_length (int): The length of the cpw. design (str): The design name. Returns: TransmonClaw: The created TransmonClaw object. """ opts["orientation"] = "-90" opts["pos_x"] = "-1500um" if cpw_length > 2500 else "-1000um" claw = TransmonClaw(design, 'claw', options=opts) return claw
[docs] def create_coupler(opts, design): """ Create a coupler based on the given options and design. Args: opts (dict): A dictionary containing the options for the coupler. design: The design object. Returns: The created coupler object. """ opts["orientation"] = "-90" cplr = CapNInterdigitalTee(design, 'cplr', options = opts) if opts["finger_count"] is not None else CoupledLineTee(design, 'cplr', options = opts) return cplr
[docs] def create_cpw(opts, cplr, design): """ Create a coplanar waveguide (CPW) based on the given options, coupler, and design. Args: opts (dict): Options for creating the CPW. cplr (Coupler): Coupler object used for creating the CPW. design (Design): Design object used for creating the CPW. Returns: RouteMeander: The created coplanar waveguide (CPW). """ adj_distance = 0 if "finger_count" not in cplr.options: adj_distance = int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, cplr.options["coupling_length"]))) if int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, cplr.options["coupling_length"]))) > 150 else 0 # adj_distance = int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, cplr.options["coupling_length"]))) if int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, cplr.options["coupling_length"]))) > 150 else 0 # jogs = OrderedDict() # jogs[0] = ["R90", f'{adj_distance/(1.5)}um'] opts.update({"lead" : Dict( start_straight = "100um", end_straight = "50um", # start_jogged_extension = jogs )}) opts.update({"pin_inputs" : Dict(start_pin = Dict(component =, pin = 'second_end'), end_pin = Dict(component = 'claw', pin = 'readout'))}) opts.update({"meander" : Dict( spacing = "100um", # asymmetry = f'{adj_distance/(3)}um' # need this to make CPW asymmetry half of the coupling length )}) # if not, sharp kinks occur in CPW :( cpw = RouteMeander(design, 'cpw', options = opts) return cpw
[docs] def make_table(title, data): """ Create a table from a dictionary with a specified title. Args: title (str): The title of the table. data (dict): The dictionary containing the data for the table. Returns: str: The formatted table as a string. """ if title == 'qubit': pars = ['cross_width','cross_length','cross_gap','claw_cpw_length','claw_cpw_width','claw_gap','claw_length','claw_width','ground_spacing'] elif title == 'cavity': pars = ['total_length'] elif title == 'coupler': pars = ['coupling_length','coupling_space'] elif title == 'purcell_filter': pars = [ 'total_length','cap_gap_ground','finger_length','cap_width','cap_gap'] table = PrettyTable() table.title = title table.field_names = ['param', 'value'] for key in pars: table.add_row([key,extract_value(dictionary=data,key=key)]) print(table)
[docs] def save_simulation_data_to_json(data, filename): """ Save simulation data to a JSON file. Args: data (dict): The simulation data to be saved. filename (str): The name of the file to save the data to. Returns: None """ filename = f"{filename}.json" with open(filename, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4)
[docs] def chunk_sweep_options(sweep_opts, N): """ Divide the sweep options into multiple chunks based on the number of computers. Args: sweep_opts (dict): The sweep options dictionary. N (int): The number of computers to divide the sweep options into. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries, each containing a chunk of the sweep options. """ # Extract claw_lengths and total_lengths from sweep_opts claw_lengths = sweep_opts['claw_opts']['connection_pads']['readout']['claw_length'] total_lengths = sweep_opts['cpw_opts']['total_length'] # Determine the number of claw_lengths to be assigned to each chunk base_chunk_size = len(claw_lengths) // N remainder = len(claw_lengths) % N chunks = [] start_idx = 0 for i in range(N): # Calculate chunk size for this computer chunk_size = base_chunk_size + (1 if i < remainder else 0) # Slice the claw_lengths for this chunk claw_length_chunk = claw_lengths[start_idx:start_idx + chunk_size] # Each chunk gets a copy of the full total_lengths list new_sweep_opts = { 'claw_opts': { 'connection_pads': { 'readout': sweep_opts['claw_opts']['connection_pads']['readout'].copy() } }, 'cpw_opts': sweep_opts['cpw_opts'].copy(), 'cplr_opts': sweep_opts['cplr_opts'].copy() } new_sweep_opts['claw_opts']['connection_pads']['readout']['claw_length'] = claw_length_chunk new_sweep_opts['cpw_opts']['total_length'] = total_lengths chunks.append(new_sweep_opts) # Update the start index for the next chunk start_idx += chunk_size return chunks
[docs] def find_a_fq(C_g, C_B, Lj): """ Calculate the anharmonicity and frequency of a transmon qubit. Args: C_g (float): Gate capacitance in Farads. C_B (float): Bias capacitance in Farads. Lj (float): Josephson inductance in Henries. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the anharmonicity (a) in linear MHz and the frequency (f_q) in linear GHz. """ # Constants e = 1.602e-19 # elementary charge in C hbar = 1.054e-34 # reduced Planck constant in Js Z_0 = 50 # in Ohms C_Sigma = C_g + C_B # + 1.5e-15 EJ = ((hbar / 2 / e) ** 2) / Lj * (1.5092e24) # 1J = 1.5092e24 GHz EC = e**2/(2*C_Sigma) * (1.5092e24) # 1J = 1.5092e24 GHz transmon = scq.Transmon(EJ=EJ, EC=EC, ng = 0, ncut = 30) a = transmon.anharmonicity() * 1000 # linear MHz # g = ((C_g / C_Sigma) * omega_r * np.sqrt(N * Z_0 * e**2 / (hbar * np.pi) )* (EJ/(8*EC))**(1/4)) / 1E6 / (2 * np.pi) # linear MHz f_q = transmon.E01() # Linear GHz return a, f_q
[docs] def find_g_a_fq(C_g, C_B, f_r, Lj, N): """ Calculate the values of g, a, and f_q for a transmon qubit. Args: C_g (float): Capacitance of the gate in Farads. C_B (float): Capacitance of the bias in Farads. f_r (float): Resonance frequency of the resonator in Hz. Lj (float): Josephson inductance in Henries. N (int): Number of photons in the resonator. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the values of g, a, and f_q. - g (float): Coupling strength in MHz. - a (float): Anharmonicity in MHz. - f_q (float): Transition frequency in GHz. """ # Constants e = 1.602e-19 # elementary charge in C hbar = 1.054e-34 # reduced Planck constant in Js Z_0 = 50 # in Ohms C_Sigma = C_g + C_B # + 1.5e-15 omega_r = 2 * np.pi * f_r EJ = ((hbar / 2 / e) ** 2) / Lj * (1.5092e24) # 1J = 1.5092e24 GHz EC = e**2/(2*C_Sigma) * (1.5092e24) # 1J = 1.5092e24 GHz transmon = scq.Transmon(EJ=EJ, EC=EC, ng = 0, ncut = 30) a = transmon.anharmonicity() * 1000 # linear MHz g = ((C_g / C_Sigma) * omega_r * np.sqrt(N * Z_0 * e**2 / (hbar * np.pi) )* (EJ/(8*EC))**(1/4)) / 1E6 / (2 * np.pi) # linear MHz f_q = transmon.E01() # Linear GHz return g, a, f_q
[docs] def find_kappa(f_rough, C_tg, C_tb): """ Calculate the cavity linewidth (kappa) using the rough frequency and capacitances. Args: f_rough (float): The rough frequency of the cavity in GHz. C_tg (float): The total capacitance of the ground in Farads. C_tb (float): The total capacitance of the bias in Farads. Returns: float: The cavity linewidth (kappa) in kHz. """ Z0 = 50 w_rough = 2*np.pi*f_rough C_res = np.pi/(2*w_rough*Z0)*1e15 print(C_res) w_est = np.sqrt(C_res/(C_res + C_tg + C_tb)) * w_rough return (1/2 * Z0 * (w_est**2) * (C_tb**2)/(C_res + C_tg + C_tb))*1e-15/(2*np.pi) * 1e-3
[docs] def find_chi(alpha, f_q, g, f_r): """ Calculate the full cavity frequency shift between |0> and |1> states of a qubit using g, f_r, f_q, and alpha. It uses the result derived using 2nd-order pertubation theory (equation 9 in SquaDDs paper). Args: - alpha (float): Anharmonicity of the transmon qubit. - f_q (float): Resonant frequency of the transmon qubit in linear units. - g (float): The coupling strength between the qubit and the cavity. - f_r (float): The resonant frequency of the cavity in linear units. Returns: - (float): The full dispersive shift of the cavity """ # print(f_q, f_r, g, alpha) omega_q = 2 * np.pi * f_q * 1e9 omega_r = 2 * np.pi * f_r * 1e9 g *= 1e6 * 2 * np.pi alpha *= 1e6 * 2 * np.pi delta = omega_r - omega_q sigma = omega_r + omega_q return 2 * g**2 * (alpha /(delta * (delta - alpha))- alpha/(sigma * (sigma + alpha))) * 1e-6
[docs] def read_json_files(directory): """ Read all JSON files from a specified directory. Args: directory (str): The directory path. Returns: list: A list of dictionaries, each containing the data from a JSON file. """ json_files = [file for file in os.listdir(directory) if file.endswith('.json')] data = [] for file in json_files: file_path = os.path.join(directory, file) with open(file_path, 'r') as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) data.append(json_data) return data
[docs] def extract_value(dictionary, key): """ Extracts the value of a specified key from a given nested dictionary. Args: dictionary (dict): The nested dictionary. key (str): The key to extract the value for. Returns: Any: The value of the specified key, or None if the key is not found. """ # Check if the key is present in the dictionary if key in dictionary: return dictionary[key] # Iterate over the values in the dictionary for value in dictionary.values(): # If the value is a dictionary, recursively call the function if isinstance(value, dict): result = extract_value(value, key) # If the key is found in the nested dictionary, return the value if result is not None: return result # If the key is not found, return None return None
[docs] def convert_str_to_float(value): """ COnvert value from str to float :param value: The value to convert :return: The value as a float """ return float(value[:-2]) import re
[docs] def extract_number(string): """ Remove non-digit characters from a string, except for decimal. Args: string (str): The input string. Returns: str: The string with non-digit characters removed, except for decimal. """ return float(re.sub(r"[^\d.]", "", string))
[docs] def unpack(parent_key, parent_value, delimiter=','): """ A function to unpack one level of nesting in a python dictionary :param parent_key: The key in the parent dictionary being flattened :param parent_value: The value of the parent key, value pair :return: list(tuple(,)) """ # # If the parent_value is a dict, unpack it # if isinstance(parent_value, dict): return [ (parent_key + delimiter + key, value) for key, value in parent_value.items() ] # # If the If the parent_value is a not dict leave it be # else: return [ (parent_key, parent_value) ]
[docs] def flatten_dict(dictionary_, delimiter=','): """ A function to flatten a nested dictionary :param dictionary_: The dictionary to be flattened :return: dict """ # # Keep unpacking the dictionary until all value's are not dictionary's # while True: # # Loop over the dictionary, unpacking one level. Then reduce the dimension one level # dictionary_ = dict( ii for i in [unpack(key, value, delimiter) for key, value in dictionary_.items()] for ii in i ) # # Break when there is no more unpacking to do # if all([ not isinstance(value, dict) for value in dictionary_.values() ]): break return dictionary_