This file contains utility functions for the simulation.
import json
import os
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import qiskit_metal as metal
import scqubits as scq
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pandas import DataFrame
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from pyaedt import Hfss
from qiskit_metal import Dict, MetalGUI, designs, draw
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.core import QComponent
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.couplers.cap_n_interdigital_tee import \
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.couplers.coupled_line_tee import CoupledLineTee
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.couplers.line_tee import LineTee
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.qubits.transmon_cross import TransmonCross
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.terminations.launchpad_wb import LaunchpadWirebond
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.terminations.open_to_ground import OpenToGround
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.terminations.short_to_ground import ShortToGround
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.tlines.anchored_path import RouteAnchors
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.tlines.meandered import RouteMeander
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.tlines.mixed_path import RouteMixed
from qiskit_metal.qlibrary.tlines.straight_path import RouteStraight
from qiskit_metal.toolbox_metal import math_and_overrides
from squadds.components.claw_coupler import TransmonClaw
from squadds.components.coupled_systems import QubitCavity
def get_cavity_claw_options_keys(cavity_dict):
# Iterate over the keys of cavity_dict
for key in cavity_dict.keys():
if key.startswith("cpw"):
cpw_opts_key = key
elif key.startswith("cplr"):
cplr_opts_key = key
cpw_opts_key, cplr_opts_key = None, None
return cpw_opts_key, cplr_opts_key
def string_to_float(string):
Converts a string representation of a number to a float.
string (str): The string representation of the number.
float: The converted float value.
return float(string[:-2])
def getMeshScreenshot(projectname, designname, solutiontype="Eigenmode"):
Get a screenshot of the mesh for a given project, design, and solution type.
projectname (str): The name of the project.
designname (str): The name of the design.
solutiontype (str, optional): The type of solution. Defaults to "Eigenmode".
NotImplementedError: This function is not implemented yet.
raise NotImplementedError()
def generate_bbox(component: QComponent) -> Dict[str, float]:
Generates a bounding box dictionary from a given QComponent.
component (QComponent): The component for which to generate a bounding box.
Dict[str, float]: A dictionary representing the bounding box with keys 'min_x', 'max_x', 'min_y', 'max_y'.
bounds = component.qgeometry_bounds()
bbox = {
'min_x': bounds[0],
'max_x': bounds[2],
'min_y': bounds[1],
'max_y': bounds[3]
return bbox
def setMaterialProperties(projectname,designname,solutiontype="Eigenmode"):
Interfaces with ANSYS via pyEPR for more custom automation.
1. Connects to ANSYS.
2. Changes Silicon permittivity to 11.45, representing ultra cold silicon.
3. Deletes any preexisting setups.
projectname (str): The name of the project.
designname (str): The name of the design.
solutiontype (str, optional): The type of solution. Defaults to "Eigenmode".
aedt = Hfss(projectname=projectname,
aedt.release_desktop(close_projects=False, close_desktop=False)
def ultra_cold_silicon(aedt):
"""Change silicon properties to ultra cold silicon
aedt (pyAEDT Desktop obj)
materials = aedt.materials
silicon = materials.checkifmaterialexists('silicon')
silicon.permittivity = 11.45
silicon.dielectric_loss_tangent = 1E-7
def delete_old_setups(aedt):
"""Delete old setups
aedt (pyAEDT Desktop obj)
# Clear setups
if len(aedt.setups) != 0:
def calculate_center_and_dimensions(bbox):
Calculate the center and dimensions from the bounding box.
:param bbox: The bounding box dictionary with keys 'min_x', 'max_x', 'min_y', 'max_y'.
:return: A tuple containing the center coordinates and dimensions.
center_x = (bbox['min_x'] + bbox['max_x']) / 2
center_y = (bbox['min_y'] + bbox['max_y']) / 2
center_z = 0
x_size = bbox['max_x'] - bbox['min_x']
y_size = bbox['max_y'] - bbox['min_y']
z_size = 0
return (center_x, center_y, center_z), (x_size, y_size, z_size)
def get_freq(epra, test_hfss):
Analyze the simulation, plot the results, and report the frequencies, Q, and kappa.
:param epra: The EPR analysis object.
:param test_hfss: The HFSS object.
project_name = test_hfss.pinfo.project_name
design_name = test_hfss.pinfo.design_name
setMaterialProperties(project_name, design_name, solutiontype="Eigenmode")
print("couldn't generate plots.")
f = epra.get_frequencies()
freq = f.values[0][0] * 1e9
print(f"freq = {round(freq/1e9, 3)} GHz")
return freq
def get_freq_Q_kappa(epra, test_hfss):
Analyze the simulation, plot the results, and report the frequencies, Q, and kappa.
:param epra: The EPR analysis object.
:param test_hfss: The HFSS object.
project_name = test_hfss.pinfo.project_name
design_name = test_hfss.pinfo.design_name
setMaterialProperties(project_name, design_name, solutiontype="Eigenmode")
print("couldn't generate plots.")
f = epra.get_frequencies()
freq = f.values[0][0] * 1e9
Q = f.values[0][1]
kappa = freq / Q
print(f"freq = {round(freq/1e9, 3)} GHz")
print(f"Q = {round(Q, 1)}")
print(f"kappa = {round(kappa/1e6, 3)} MHz")
return freq, Q, kappa
def mesh_objects(modeler, mesh_lengths):
Draw the rectangle in the Ansys modeler, update the model, and set the mesh based on the input dictionary.
:param modeler: The modeler object.
:param center: The center coordinates tuple.
:param dimensions: The dimensions tuple.
:param cpw: The cpw object.
:param claw: The claw object.
:param mesh_lengths: Dictionary containing mesh names, associated objects, and MaxLength values.
for mesh_name, mesh_info in mesh_lengths.items():
modeler.mesh_length(mesh_name, mesh_info['objects'], MaxLength=mesh_info['MaxLength'])
def add_ground_strip_and_mesh(modeler, coupler, mesh_lengths):
Draw the rectangle in the Ansys modeler, update the model, and set the mesh based on the input dictionary.
:param modeler: The modeler object.
:param center: The center coordinates tuple.
:param dimensions: The dimensions tuple.
:param coupler: The coupler object.
:param cpw: The cpw object.
:param claw: The claw object.
:param mesh_lengths: Dictionary containing mesh names, associated objects, and MaxLength values.
bounds = coupler.qgeometry_bounds()
bbox = {'min_x': bounds[0], 'max_x': bounds[2], 'min_y': bounds[1], 'max_y': bounds[3]}
center, dimensions = calculate_center_and_dimensions(bbox)
gs = modeler.draw_rect_center(
[coord * 1e-3 for coord in center],
x_size=dimensions[0] * 1e-3,
y_size=dimensions[1] * 1e-3,
modeler.intersect(["ground_strip", "ground_main_plane"], True)
modeler.subtract("ground_main_plane", ["ground_strip"], True)
mesh_lengths.update({'mesh_ground_strip': {"objects": ["ground_strip"], "MaxLength": '4um'}})
for mesh_name, mesh_info in mesh_lengths.items():
modeler.mesh_length(mesh_name, mesh_info['objects'], MaxLength=mesh_info['MaxLength'])
def create_qubitcavity(opts, design):
Create a QubitCavity object.
opts (dict): Options for the QubitCavity object.
design (str): Design name.
QubitCavity: The created QubitCavity object.
qubitcavity = QubitCavity(design, "qubitcavity", options=opts)
return qubitcavity
def create_claw(opts, cpw_length, design):
Create a TransmonClaw object with the given options, cpw_length, and design.
opts (dict): A dictionary of options for the TransmonClaw object.
cpw_length (int): The length of the cpw.
design (str): The design name.
TransmonClaw: The created TransmonClaw object.
opts["orientation"] = "-90"
opts["pos_x"] = "-1500um" if cpw_length > 2500 else "-1000um"
claw = TransmonClaw(design, 'claw', options=opts)
return claw
def create_ncap_coupler(opts, design):
Create a coupler based on the given options and design.
opts (dict): A dictionary containing the options for the coupler.
design: The design object.
The created coupler object.
opts["orientation"] = "-90"
cplr = CapNInterdigitalTee(design, 'cplr', options = opts)
return cplr
def create_clt_coupler(opts, design):
Create a CoupledLineTee coupler based on the given options and design.
opts (dict): A dictionary containing the options for the coupler.
design: The design object.
The created coupler object.
opts["orientation"] = "-90"
cplr = CoupledLineTee(design, 'cplr', options = opts)
return cplr
def create_cpw(opts, cplr, design):
Create a coplanar waveguide (CPW) based on the given options, coupler, and design.
opts (dict): Options for creating the CPW.
cplr (Coupler): Coupler object used for creating the CPW.
design (Design): Design object used for creating the CPW.
RouteMeander: The created coplanar waveguide (CPW).
adj_distance = 0
if "finger_count" not in cplr.options:
adj_distance = int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, cplr.options["coupling_length"]))) if int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, cplr.options["coupling_length"]))) > 150 else 0
# adj_distance = int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, cplr.options["coupling_length"]))) if int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, cplr.options["coupling_length"]))) > 150 else 0
# jogs = OrderedDict()
# jogs[0] = ["R90", f'{adj_distance/(1.5)}um']
opts.update({"lead" : Dict(
start_straight = "50um",
end_straight = "50um",
# start_jogged_extension = jogs
opts.update({"pin_inputs" : Dict(start_pin = Dict(component = cplr.name,
pin = 'second_end'),
end_pin = Dict(component = 'claw',
pin = 'readout'))})
opts.update({"meander" : Dict(
spacing = "100um",
# asymmetry = f'{adj_distance/(3)}um' # need this to make CPW asymmetry half of the coupling length
)}) # if not, sharp kinks occur in CPW :(
cpw = RouteMeander(design, 'cpw', options = opts)
return cpw
def make_table(title, data):
Create a table from a dictionary with a specified title.
title (str): The title of the table.
data (dict): The dictionary containing the data for the table.
str: The formatted table as a string.
if title == 'qubit':
pars = ['cross_width','cross_length','cross_gap','claw_cpw_length','claw_cpw_width','claw_gap','claw_length','claw_width','ground_spacing']
elif title == 'cavity':
pars = ['total_length']
elif title == 'coupler':
pars = ['coupling_length','coupling_space']
elif title == 'purcell_filter':
pars = [ 'total_length','cap_gap_ground','finger_length','cap_width','cap_gap']
table = PrettyTable()
table.title = title
table.field_names = ['param', 'value']
for key in pars:
def save_simulation_data_to_json(data, filename):
Save simulation data to a JSON file.
data (dict): The simulation data to be saved.
filename (str): The name of the file to save the data to.
filename = f"{filename}.json"
with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile, indent=4)
def chunk_sweep_options(sweep_opts, N):
Divide the sweep options into multiple chunks based on the number of computers.
sweep_opts (dict): The sweep options dictionary.
N (int): The number of computers to divide the sweep options into.
list: A list of dictionaries, each containing a chunk of the sweep options.
# Extract claw_lengths and total_lengths from sweep_opts
cpw_opts_key, cplr_opts_key = get_cavity_claw_options_keys(sweep_opts)
claw_lengths = sweep_opts['claw_opts']['connection_pads']['readout']['claw_length']
total_lengths = sweep_opts[cpw_opts_key]['total_length']
# Determine the number of claw_lengths to be assigned to each chunk
base_chunk_size = len(claw_lengths) // N
remainder = len(claw_lengths) % N
chunks = []
start_idx = 0
for i in range(N):
# Calculate chunk size for this computer
chunk_size = base_chunk_size + (1 if i < remainder else 0)
# Slice the claw_lengths for this chunk
claw_length_chunk = claw_lengths[start_idx:start_idx + chunk_size]
# Each chunk gets a copy of the full total_lengths list
new_sweep_opts = {
'claw_opts': {
'connection_pads': {
'readout': sweep_opts['claw_opts']['connection_pads']['readout'].copy()
'cpw_opts': sweep_opts[cpw_opts_key].copy(),
'cplr_opts': sweep_opts[cplr_opts_key].copy()
new_sweep_opts['claw_opts']['connection_pads']['readout']['claw_length'] = claw_length_chunk
new_sweep_opts[cpw_opts_key]['total_length'] = total_lengths
# Update the start index for the next chunk
start_idx += chunk_size
return chunks
def find_a_fq(C_g, C_B, Lj):
Calculate the anharmonicity and frequency of a transmon qubit.
C_g (float): Gate capacitance in Farads.
C_B (float): Bias capacitance in Farads.
Lj (float): Josephson inductance in Henries.
tuple: A tuple containing the anharmonicity (a) in linear MHz and the frequency (f_q) in linear GHz.
# Constants
e = 1.602e-19 # elementary charge in C
hbar = 1.054e-34 # reduced Planck constant in Js
Z_0 = 50 # in Ohms
C_Sigma = C_g + C_B # + 1.5e-15
EJ = ((hbar / 2 / e) ** 2) / Lj * (1.5092e24) # 1J = 1.5092e24 GHz
EC = e**2/(2*C_Sigma) * (1.5092e24) # 1J = 1.5092e24 GHz
transmon = scq.Transmon(EJ=EJ,
ng = 0,
ncut = 30)
a = transmon.anharmonicity() * 1000 # linear MHz
# g = ((C_g / C_Sigma) * omega_r * np.sqrt(N * Z_0 * e**2 / (hbar * np.pi) )* (EJ/(8*EC))**(1/4)) / 1E6 / (2 * np.pi) # linear MHz
f_q = transmon.E01() # Linear GHz
return a, f_q
def find_g_a_fq(C_g, C_B, f_r, Lj, N):
Calculate the values of g, a, and f_q for a transmon qubit.
C_g (float): Capacitance of the gate in Farads.
C_B (float): Capacitance of the bias in Farads.
f_r (float): Resonance frequency of the resonator in Hz.
Lj (float): Josephson inductance in Henries.
N (int): Number of photons in the resonator.
tuple: A tuple containing the values of g, a, and f_q.
- g (float): Coupling strength in MHz.
- a (float): Anharmonicity in MHz.
- f_q (float): Transition frequency in GHz.
# Constants
e = 1.602e-19 # elementary charge in C
hbar = 1.054e-34 # reduced Planck constant in Js
Z_0 = 50 # in Ohms
C_Sigma = C_g + C_B # + 1.5e-15
omega_r = 2 * np.pi * f_r
EJ = ((hbar / 2 / e) ** 2) / Lj * (1.5092e24) # 1J = 1.5092e24 GHz
EC = e**2/(2*C_Sigma) * (1.5092e24) # 1J = 1.5092e24 GHz
transmon = scq.Transmon(EJ=EJ,
ng = 0,
ncut = 30)
a = transmon.anharmonicity() * 1000 # linear MHz
g = ((C_g / C_Sigma) * omega_r * np.sqrt(N * Z_0 * e**2 / (hbar * np.pi) )* (EJ/(8*EC))**(1/4)) / 1E6 / (2 * np.pi) # linear MHz
f_q = transmon.E01() # Linear GHz
return g, a, f_q
def find_kappa(f_rough, C_tg, C_tb):
Calculate the cavity linewidth (kappa) using the rough frequency and capacitances.
f_rough (float): The rough frequency of the cavity in GHz.
C_tg (float): The total capacitance of the ground in Farads.
C_tb (float): The total capacitance of the bias in Farads.
float: The cavity linewidth (kappa) in kHz.
Z0 = 50
w_rough = 2*np.pi*f_rough
C_res = np.pi/(2*w_rough*Z0)*1e15
w_est = np.sqrt(C_res/(C_res + C_tg + C_tb)) * w_rough
return (1/2 * Z0 * (w_est**2) * (C_tb**2)/(C_res + C_tg + C_tb))*1e-15/(2*np.pi) * 1e-3
def find_chi(alpha, f_q, g, f_r):
Calculate the full cavity frequency shift between |0> and |1> states of a qubit using g, f_r, f_q, and alpha. It uses the result derived using 2nd-order pertubation theory (equation 9 in SquaDDs paper).
- alpha (float): Anharmonicity of the transmon qubit.
- f_q (float): Resonant frequency of the transmon qubit in linear units.
- g (float): The coupling strength between the qubit and the cavity.
- f_r (float): The resonant frequency of the cavity in linear units.
- (float): The full dispersive shift of the cavity
# print(f_q, f_r, g, alpha)
omega_q = 2 * np.pi * f_q * 1e9
omega_r = 2 * np.pi * f_r * 1e9
g *= 1e6 * 2 * np.pi
alpha *= 1e6 * 2 * np.pi
delta = omega_r - omega_q
sigma = omega_r + omega_q
return 2 * g**2 * (alpha /(delta * (delta - alpha))- alpha/(sigma * (sigma + alpha))) * 1e-6
def read_json_files(directory):
Read all JSON files from a specified directory.
directory (str): The directory path.
list: A list of dictionaries, each containing the data from a JSON file.
json_files = [file for file in os.listdir(directory) if file.endswith('.json')]
data = []
for file in json_files:
file_path = os.path.join(directory, file)
with open(file_path, 'r') as json_file:
json_data = json.load(json_file)
return data
def convert_str_to_float(value):
COnvert value from str to float
:param value: The value to convert
:return: The value as a float
return float(value[:-2])
import re
def unpack(parent_key, parent_value, delimiter=','):
A function to unpack one level of nesting in a python dictionary
:param parent_key: The key in the parent dictionary being flattened
:param parent_value: The value of the parent key, value pair
:return: list(tuple(,))
# If the parent_value is a dict, unpack it
if isinstance(parent_value, dict):
return [
(parent_key + delimiter + key, value)
for key, value
in parent_value.items()
# If the If the parent_value is a not dict leave it be
return [
(parent_key, parent_value)
def flatten_dict(dictionary_, delimiter=','):
A function to flatten a nested dictionary
:param dictionary_: The dictionary to be flattened
:return: dict
# Keep unpacking the dictionary until all value's are not dictionary's
while True:
# Loop over the dictionary, unpacking one level. Then reduce the dimension one level
dictionary_ = dict(
for i
in [unpack(key, value, delimiter) for key, value in dictionary_.items()]
for ii
in i
# Break when there is no more unpacking to do
if all([
not isinstance(value, dict)
for value
in dictionary_.values()
return dictionary_