Source code for squadds.calcs.qubit

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

[docs] class QubitHamiltonian(ABC): #TODO: make method names more general def __init__(self, analysis): self.analysis = analysis self.db = self.analysis.db self.df = self.analysis.df self.qubit_type = self.db.selected_qubit self.cavity_type = self.db.selected_cavity self.target_param_keys = self.analysis.H_param_keys self.target_params = self.analysis.target_params self.f_q = None self.alpha = None self.Lj = None self.EJEC = None self.g = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def plot_data(self, data_frame): """ Plot the given data frame. Args: data_frame (pandas.DataFrame): The data frame to be plotted. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def E01(self, EJ, EC): """ Calculate the energy difference between the ground state (|0>) and the first excited state (|1>) of a qubit. Args: - EJ (float): Josephson energy of the qubit. - EC (float): Charging energy of the qubit. Returns: - float: Energy difference between the ground state and the first excited state. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def E01_and_anharmonicity(self, EJ, EC): """ Calculate the energy of the first excited state (E01) and the anharmonicity of a qubit. Args: - EJ (float): Josephson energy of the qubit. - EC (float): Charging energy of the qubit. Returns: - E01 (float): Energy of the first excited state. - anharmonicity (float): Anharmonicity of the qubit. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def EJ_and_LJ(self, f_q, alpha): """ Calculate the Josephson energy (EJ) and the Josephson inductance (LJ) for a given qubit frequency (f_q) and anharmonicity (alpha). Args: f_q (float): The qubit frequency in Hz. alpha (float): The anharmonicity of the qubit in Hz. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the Josephson energy (EJ) and the Josephson inductance (LJ). """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def EJ(self, f_q, alpha): """ Calculate the Josephson energy (EJ) of a qubit. Args: f_q (float): The qubit frequency in Hz. alpha (float): The anharmonicity parameter. Returns: float: The Josephson energy (EJ) in Joules. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def EC(self, cross_to_claw, cross_to_ground): """ Performs error correction on the qubit. Args: cross_to_claw (float): The cross-talk probability from the qubit to the claw. cross_to_ground (float): The cross-talk probability from the qubit to the ground. Returns: None """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def calculate_target_quantities(self, f_res, alpha, g, w_q, N, Z_0=50): """ Calculate the target quantities for a qubit. Args: - f_res (float): The resonance frequency of the qubit. - alpha (float): The anharmonicity of the qubit. - g (float): The coupling strength between the qubit and the resonator. - w_q (float): The frequency of the qubit. - N (int): The number of photons in the resonator. - Z_0 (float, optional): The characteristic impedance of the resonator. Default is 50 Ohms. Returns: None """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def g_and_alpha(self, C, C_c, f_q, EJ, f_r, res_type, Z0=50): """ Calculate the coupling strength (g) and anharmonicity (alpha) of a qubit. Args: - C (float): Capacitance of the qubit. - C_c (float): Coupling capacitance. - f_q (float): Frequency of the qubit. - EJ (float): Josephson energy of the qubit. - f_r (float): Resonator frequency. - res_type (str): Type of resonator. - Z0 (float, optional): Characteristic impedance of the transmission line. Default is 50 Ohms. Returns: - g (float): Coupling strength of the qubit. - alpha (float): Anharmonicity of the qubit. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def g_alpha_freq(self, C, C_c, EJ, f_r, res_type, Z0=50): """ Calculate the alpha and frequency of a qubit. Args: - C (float): Capacitance of the qubit. - C_c (float): Coupling capacitance. - EJ (float): Josephson energy. - f_r (float): Resonator frequency. - res_type (str): Resonator type. - Z0 (float, optional): Characteristic impedance. Default is 50. Returns: - alpha (float): Qubit anharmonicity. - freq (float): Qubit frequency. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_freq_alpha_fixed_LJ(self, fig4_df, LJ_target): """ Calculate the frequency alpha for a fixed LJ value. Args: fig4_df (DataFrame): The DataFrame containing the data for Fig. 4. LJ_target (float): The target LJ value. Returns: float: The calculated frequency alpha. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def g_from_cap_matrix(self, C, C_c, EJ, f_r, res_type, Z0=50): """ Calculate the coupling strength 'g' of a qubit from the capacitance matrix. Args: - C (numpy.ndarray): The capacitance matrix. - C_c (float): The coupling capacitance. - EJ (float): The Josephson energy. - f_r (float): The resonant frequency. - res_type (str): The type of resonator. - Z0 (float, optional): The characteristic impedance. Default is 50 Ohms. Returns: - g (float): The coupling strength of the qubit. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def add_qubit_H_params(self): """ Add parameters for the Hamiltonian of the qubit. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def add_cavity_coupled_H_params(self): """ Add parameters for cavity-coupled Hamiltonian. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def chi(self): """ Calculate the chi parameter for the qubit. """ pass