squadds.calcs package#


squadds.calcs.qubit module#

class squadds.calcs.qubit.QubitHamiltonian(analysis)[source]#

Bases: ABC

abstract E01(EJ, EC)[source]#

Calculate the energy difference between the ground state (|0>) and the first excited state (|1>) of a qubit.

  • EJ (-) – Josephson energy of the qubit.

  • EC (-) – Charging energy of the qubit.


Energy difference between the ground state and the first excited state.

Return type:

  • float

abstract E01_and_anharmonicity(EJ, EC)[source]#

Calculate the energy of the first excited state (E01) and the anharmonicity of a qubit.

  • EJ (-) – Josephson energy of the qubit.

  • EC (-) – Charging energy of the qubit.


Energy of the first excited state. - anharmonicity (float): Anharmonicity of the qubit.

Return type:

  • E01 (float)

abstract EC(cross_to_claw, cross_to_ground)[source]#

Performs error correction on the qubit.

  • cross_to_claw (float) – The cross-talk probability from the qubit to the claw.

  • cross_to_ground (float) – The cross-talk probability from the qubit to the ground.



abstract EJ(f_q, alpha)[source]#

Calculate the Josephson energy (EJ) of a qubit.

  • f_q (float) – The qubit frequency in Hz.

  • alpha (float) – The anharmonicity parameter.


The Josephson energy (EJ) in Joules.

Return type:


abstract EJ_and_LJ(f_q, alpha)[source]#

Calculate the Josephson energy (EJ) and the Josephson inductance (LJ) for a given qubit frequency (f_q) and anharmonicity (alpha).

  • f_q (float) – The qubit frequency in Hz.

  • alpha (float) – The anharmonicity of the qubit in Hz.


A tuple containing the Josephson energy (EJ) and the Josephson inductance (LJ).

Return type:


abstract add_cavity_coupled_H_params()[source]#

Add parameters for cavity-coupled Hamiltonian.

abstract add_qubit_H_params()[source]#

Add parameters for the Hamiltonian of the qubit.

abstract calculate_target_quantities(f_res, alpha, g, w_q, N, Z_0=50)[source]#

Calculate the target quantities for a qubit.

  • f_res (-) – The resonance frequency of the qubit.

  • alpha (-) – The anharmonicity of the qubit.

  • g (-) – The coupling strength between the qubit and the resonator.

  • w_q (-) – The frequency of the qubit.

  • N (-) – The number of photons in the resonator.

  • Z_0 (-) – The characteristic impedance of the resonator. Default is 50 Ohms.



abstract chi()[source]#

Calculate the chi parameter for the qubit.

abstract g_alpha_freq(C, C_c, EJ, f_r, res_type, Z0=50)[source]#

Calculate the alpha and frequency of a qubit.

  • C (-) – Capacitance of the qubit.

  • C_c (-) – Coupling capacitance.

  • EJ (-) – Josephson energy.

  • f_r (-) – Resonator frequency.

  • res_type (-) – Resonator type.

  • Z0 (-) – Characteristic impedance. Default is 50.


Qubit anharmonicity. - freq (float): Qubit frequency.

Return type:

  • alpha (float)

abstract g_and_alpha(C, C_c, f_q, EJ, f_r, res_type, Z0=50)[source]#

Calculate the coupling strength (g) and anharmonicity (alpha) of a qubit.

  • C (-) – Capacitance of the qubit.

  • C_c (-) – Coupling capacitance.

  • f_q (-) – Frequency of the qubit.

  • EJ (-) – Josephson energy of the qubit.

  • f_r (-) – Resonator frequency.

  • res_type (-) – Type of resonator.

  • Z0 (-) – Characteristic impedance of the transmission line. Default is 50 Ohms.


Coupling strength of the qubit. - alpha (float): Anharmonicity of the qubit.

Return type:

  • g (float)

abstract g_from_cap_matrix(C, C_c, EJ, f_r, res_type, Z0=50)[source]#

Calculate the coupling strength β€˜g’ of a qubit from the capacitance matrix.

  • C (-) – The capacitance matrix.

  • C_c (-) – The coupling capacitance.

  • EJ (-) – The Josephson energy.

  • f_r (-) – The resonant frequency.

  • res_type (-) – The type of resonator.

  • Z0 (-) – The characteristic impedance. Default is 50 Ohms.

Returns: - g (float): The coupling strength of the qubit.

abstract get_freq_alpha_fixed_LJ(fig4_df, LJ_target)[source]#

Calculate the frequency alpha for a fixed LJ value.

  • fig4_df (DataFrame) – The DataFrame containing the data for Fig. 4.

  • LJ_target (float) – The target LJ value.


The calculated frequency alpha.

Return type:


abstract plot_data(data_frame)[source]#

Plot the given data frame.


data_frame (pandas.DataFrame) – The data frame to be plotted.

squadds.calcs.transmon_cross module#

#!TODO: Generalize the half-wave cavity method usage

squadds.calcs.transmon_cross.EC_numba(cross_to_claw, cross_to_ground)[source]#

Calculate the charging energy (Ec) in GHz from the capacitance (Cs) in fF.

class squadds.calcs.transmon_cross.TransmonCrossHamiltonian(analysis)[source]#

Bases: QubitHamiltonian

Class representing the Hamiltonian for a transmon qubit in a cross-coupled configuration.

Initialize the TransmonCrossHamiltonian object.

- analysis

The analysis object associated with the Hamiltonian.

E01(EJ, EC, ng=0, ncut=30)[source]#

Calculate the energy of the first excited state (E01) of a transmon qubit.

  • EJ (-) – Josephson energy of the transmon qubit.

  • EC (-) – Charging energy of the transmon qubit.

  • ng (-) – Offset charge on the transmon qubit. Default is 0.

  • ncut (-) – Truncation level for the transmon qubit’s Hilbert space. Default is 30.


Energy of the first excited state (E01) of the transmon qubit.

Return type:

  • E01 (float)

E01_and_anharmonicity(EJ, EC, ng=0, ncut=30)[source]#

Calculate the energy of the first excited state (E01) and the anharmonicity (alpha) of a transmon qubit.

  • EJ (-) – Josephson energy of the transmon qubit.

  • EC (-) – Charging energy of the transmon qubit.

  • ng (-) – Offset charge on the transmon qubit. Defaults to 0.

  • ncut (-) – Truncation level for the transmon qubit’s Hilbert space. Defaults to 30.


Energy of the first excited state (E01) in GHz. - alpha (float): Anharmonicity (alpha) in MHz.

Return type:

  • E01 (float)

EC(cross_to_claw, cross_to_ground)[source]#

Calculate the charging energy (EC) of the transmon qubit.

  • cross_to_claw (-) – Capacitance between the cross and the claw.

  • cross_to_ground (-) – Capacitance between the cross and the ground.


The charging energy of the transmon qubit.

Return type:

  • EC

EJ(w_q, alpha)[source]#

Calculate the Josephson energy (EJ) based on the given qubit frequency (w_q) and anharmonicity (alpha).

  • w_q (-) – The qubit frequency.

  • alpha (-) – The anharmonicity of the qubit.


The Josephson energy of the qubit.

Return type:

  • EJ

EJ_and_LJ(w_q, alpha, *args, **kwargs)[source]#

Calculate the Josephson energy (EJ) and Josephson inductance (Lj) based on the given qubit frequency (w_q) and anharmonicity (alpha).

  • w_q (-) – The qubit frequency.

  • alpha (-) – The anharmonicity of the qubit.


The Josephson energy of the qubit. - Lj: The Josephson inductance of the qubit.

Return type:

  • EJ

add_cavity_coupled_H_params(num_chunks='auto', Z_0=50)[source]#

Add cavity-coupled Hamiltonian parameters to the dataframe.

This method calculates the coupling strength β€˜g_MHz’ between the transmon qubit and the cavity, based on the capacitance matrix, transmon parameters, cavity frequency, resonator type, and characteristic impedance.

  • num_chunks (-) – The number of chunks to split the DataFrame into for parallel processing. Default is β€œauto” which sets the number of chunks to the number of logical CPUs.

  • Z_0 (-) – The characteristic impedance of the transmission line. Default is 50 ohms.



add_cavity_coupled_H_params_chunk(chunk, Z_0=50)[source]#

Add cavity-coupled Hamiltonian parameters to the DataFrame chunk.

This method calculates the coupling strength β€˜g_MHz’ between the transmon qubit and the cavity,

  • chunk (-) – The DataFrame chunk to which the parameters will be added.

  • Z_0 (-) – The characteristic impedance of the transmission line. Default is 50 ohms.


The DataFrame chunk with the added parameters.

Return type:

  • chunk


Add qubit Hamiltonian parameters to the DataFrame.

This method calculates and adds the qubit Hamiltonian parameters, such as EC, EJ, and EJEC, to the DataFrame.






Add qubit Hamiltonian parameters to the DataFrame chunk.

This method calculates and adds the qubit Hamiltonian parameters, such as EC, EJ, and EJEC,


df (-) – The DataFrame chunk to which the parameters will be added.


The DataFrame chunk with the added parameters

Return type:

  • df

calculate_target_quantities(f_res, alpha, g, w_q, res_type, Z_0=50)[source]#

Calculate the target quantities (C_q, C_c, EJ, EC, EJ_EC_ratio) based on the given parameters.

  • f_res (-) – The resonator frequency.

  • alpha (-) – The anharmonicity of the qubit.

  • g (-) – The coupling strength between the qubit and the resonator.

  • w_q (-) – The qubit frequency.

  • res_type (-) – The type of resonator.

  • Z_0 (-) – The characteristic impedance of the resonator.


The total capacitance of the qubit. - C_c: The coupling capacitance between the qubit and the resonator. - EJ: The Josephson energy of the qubit. - EC: The charging energy of the qubit. - EJ_EC_ratio: The ratio of EJ to EC.

Return type:

  • C_q

chi(EJ, EC, g, f_r)[source]#

Calculate the full cavity frequency shift between |0> and |1> states of a qubit using g, f_r, f_q, and alpha. It uses the result derived using 2nd-order perturbation theory (equation 9 in SQuaDDS paper). :param - EJ: Josephson energy of the transmon qubit. :type - EJ: float :param - EC: Charging energy of the transmon qubit. :type - EC: float :param - g: The coupling strength between the qubit and the cavity. :type - g: float :param - f_r: The resonant frequency of the cavity. :type - f_r: float :param - f_q: The frequency spacing between the first two qubit levels. :type - f_q: float


The full dispersive shift of the cavity

Return type:

  • chi (float)

g_alpha_freq(C, C_c, EJ, f_r, res_type, Z0=50)[source]#

Calculate the coupling strength, anharmonicity, and transition frequency of a transmon qubit.

  • C (-) – Total capacitance of the transmon qubit.

  • C_c (-) – Coupling capacitance between the transmon qubit and the resonator.

  • EJ (-) – Josephson energy of the transmon qubit.

  • f_r (-) – Resonator frequency.

  • res_type (-) – Type of resonator. Must be either β€˜half’ or β€˜quarter’.

  • Z0 (-) – Characteristic impedance of the transmission line. Defaults to 50.


A tuple containing the coupling strength (g), anharmonicity (alpha), and transition frequency (freq).

Return type:

  • (g, alpha, freq) (tuple)

g_and_alpha(C, C_c, f_q, EJ, f_r, res_type, Z0=50)[source]#

Calculate the coupling strength (g) and anharmonicity (alpha) based on the given parameters.

  • C (-) – The capacitance between the qubit and the ground.

  • C_c (-) – The coupling capacitance between the qubit and the resonator.

  • f_q (-) – The qubit frequency.

  • EJ (-) – The Josephson energy of the qubit.

  • f_r (-) – The resonator frequency.

  • res_type (-) – The type of resonator.

  • Z0 (-) – The characteristic impedance of the resonator.


The coupling strength between the qubit and the resonator. - alpha: The anharmonicity of the qubit.

Return type:

  • g

g_from_cap_matrix(C, C_c, EJ, f_r, res_type, Z0=50)[source]#

Calculate the coupling strength β€˜g’ between a transmon qubit and a resonator based on the capacitance matrix.

  • C (-) – Capacitance between the qubit and the resonator (in femtofarads, fF).

  • C_c (-) – Coupling capacitance of the resonator (in femtofarads, fF).

  • EJ (-) – Josephson energy of the qubit (in GHz).

  • f_r (-) – Resonator frequency (in GHz).

  • res_type (-) – Type of resonator. Can be β€˜half’ or β€˜quarter’.

  • Z0 (-) – Characteristic impedance of the transmission line (in ohms). Default is 50 ohms.


Coupling strength β€˜g’ between the qubit and the resonator (in MHz).

Return type:

  • g (float)

get_freq_alpha_fixed_LJ(fig4_df, LJ_target)[source]#

Calculate the frequencies and anharmonicities of transmons with a fixed LJ value.

  • fig4_df (-) – DataFrame containing the values of EC for different transmons.

  • LJ_target (-) – Target value of LJ in nH.


List of frequencies of the transmons. - alpha: List of anharmonicities of the transmons.

Return type:

  • freq

parallel_process_dataframe(df, num_chunks, Z_0=50)[source]#

Process the DataFrame in parallel.

This method splits the DataFrame into chunks and processes each chunk in parallel.

  • df (-) – The DataFrame to be processed.

  • num_chunks (-) – The number of chunks to split the DataFrame into.

  • Z_0 (-) – The characteristic impedance of the transmission line. Default is 50


The DataFrame with the added parameters.

Return type:

  • df


Plot the data from the given DataFrame.


data_frame (-) – The DataFrame containing the data to be plotted.

squadds.calcs.transmon_cross.g_from_cap_matrix_numba(C, C_c, EJ, f_r, res_type, Z0=50)[source]#

!TODO: resolve the error : β€œThe keyword argument β€˜parallel=True’ was specified but no transformation for parallel execution was possible.” for this method

squadds.calcs.transmon_cross.Ο†0 = 3.2910597847545335e-16#

Numba decorated methods#

Module contents#